job offers
The Canine Cancer Genomics Lab at the Department of Veterinary Sciences offers a Ph.D. position starting from October 2022 and is looking for a highly motivated bioinformatician.
CENTURI seeks to attract up to 2 creative computer scientists, physicists, or mathematicians with a collaborative biology project. CENTURI is looking for candidates with theoretical expertise in fields ranging from the emergence, evolution and diversity of biological functions to collective behavior and self-organization in dynamical systems.
The Cmp3VdA is a newly-formed research center based in Val d’Aosta which has the objective to sequence the genomes of 5000 individuals from the region and to investigate the causes of neurodegenerative, neurodevelopmental diseases and cancer within the scope of the 5000Genomes@VdA project.
We are seeking for a (bio)informatician who will deal with the main Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies in the analysis of transcriptomic (including single-cell RNAseq), and genomic data in the study of primary and metastatic tumors
The Laboratory of Neurogenomic Biomarkers, Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO) of the University of Trento is seeking for a post doc in computational biology – bioinformatics to work on a three-years integrated project for the validation of a genomic target for psychiatry disorders.