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The main goal of this 17th edition of the CIBB international conference is to provide a multi-disciplinary forum open to researchers interested in the application of computational intelligence to open problems in bioinformatics, biostatistics, systems and synthetic biology and medical informatics and cutting-edge methodologies capable of accelerating life science.
Multi-omics analysis aims at extracting previously uncovered biological knowledge by integrating information across multiple single-omic sources. Past approaches have focused on the simultaneous analysis of a small number of omic data sets. New statistical and algorithmic frameworks are needed, for example for generalizing classical graph theory results to heterogeneous networks.
Human Cell Atlas – Developmental and Pediatric Cell Atlas Meeting 25 – 27 August 2021
The Italian Region-IBS is pleased to announce the 13-th biennial scientific meeting that will be virtual this year. The conference will provide an amazing opportunity to discuss the newest statistical methods, to exchange scientific ideas and to promote collaborations among members within our region and with other IBS regions, Italian societies and international initiatives.
La scuola AICS2021 riguarda i fondamenti della cristallografia ed è rivolta sia agli studenti ed ai ricercatori che approcciano per la prima volta le tecniche cristallografiche, che a coloro che già utilizzano la cristallografia e vogliono approfondire aspetti teorici di base. Chimici, biologi e fisici sono i principali destinatari della scuola.