Positions on AI Data Integration Ecosystem in Paediatric Oncology
Marco Antoniotti
Deadline for application
July 20 2022
This ambitious project, entitled “UNICA4EU: Towards an UNIque approach for artificial intelligence data-driven solutions to fight Childhood cAncer FOR EUrope, aims wants to pave the foundation of an ecosystem that will facilitate the upscaling and wide-scale application of Artificial Intelligence to Paediatric Cancer in the next ten years, positioning Europe as the worldwide benchmark in the field. The project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program.

The candidate will work within the Data and Computational Biology Lab of the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy (http://dcb.disco.unimib.it), in tight collaboration with computer scientists, computational biologists, and oncologists. Her/his tasks will be to analyse tools and policies for the AI-based integration of multi-omics data collected from several Europe wide experiments and clinical trials.

The ideal candidate will have:

● Advanced degree in computer science, data-science, machine learning, bioinformatics, computational biology, or related field.
● Strong expertise in programming, bioinformatics, and AI/ML data analysis.
● Interest in translational research and biomedical sciences.
● Ability in independent research and proven aptitude in interaction with interdisciplinary scientific teams
● Excellent fluency in English and efficiency in technical/scientific writing.

Experience with multi-omics data handling pipelines; familiarity with the application of statistical methods, AI/ML techniques for imaging and/or sequencing analysis is a plus. Candidates with such background will be given precedence.
The positions are funded by the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca under the UNICA4EU Horizon Europe grant. The positions are for 12 months with very competitive salaries for Italian standards up to 40-45 KEur.
The current call is informal; information about the full selection procedure will follow ASAP pending University regulations.

To be given preliminary consideration please send:

1. a curriculum vitae (with a list of publications)
2. a statement of research
3. a list of two or more references

to marco.antoniotti@unimib.it with the keyword UNICA4EU-application in the subject. Use the same address for all inquiries.