meetings and workshops
The paper submission deadline has been extended to 11 June 2007.

4th Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop
Date: September 10-12, 2007
Location: University of Ghent, Belgium

June 11: Paper submission deadline
July 16: Notification of acceptance for papers
July 30: Camera ready paper submission deadline
August 13: Registration deadline
August 27: Poster submission deadline

Location: University of Ghent, Belgium
Date: 10-12 September, 2007
URL: Link to website
7th International Workshop NETTAB 2007
June 12-15, 2006
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Pisa

Authors can be allowed to submit their papers with a few days delay.
It is anyway essential that they:
- submit the abstract of their contribution in due time (within Friday March 16, 2007)
- request for a short extension of the deadline by email to by specifying the reasons for their request
- submit the final version within the agreed date

The BITS 2007 meeting will be held in Naples (26-28 April).

Deadline (Poster presentations): March 28th, 2007

All contributions related to bioinformatics and computational biology are welcome.
Suggested topics are:

-Structural and functional analysis of genomes
-Structural biology and drug design
-Gene expression and systems biology
-Novel methodologies, algorithms and tools
-Large scale analysis of experimental data
-Molecular evolution and biodiversity
-Biomedical informatics