meetings and workshops
Location: San Diego, La Jolla, California, U.S.A.
Date: September 18-20, 2007
Location: Milan, Italy
Date: October 16-19, 2007
Location: Nancy, France
Date: December 3, 2007
Today, nobody can contest that the amount and complexity of scientific data are increasing exponentially. In life sciences, the unique conjunction of complexity, size and importance of available data deserves special attention in both Web Information Systems (WIS) and data integration and mining areas. In the last few years, WIS have become the favourite mean for offering open access to biological data. Hundreds of data sources (DBs with either user or program interface), numerous web sites and peer-reviewed litterature are currently covering multiple facets of biology (genomic sequences, protein structures, pathways, transcriptomics data, etc.).
However, the scientists have enormous difficulties in keeping up with this data deluge. The effective and efficient management and use of available data (including omics data), and in particular the transformation of these data into information and knowledge, is a key requirement for success in scientific discovery process. In fact, the bottlenecks for life sciences have shifted from data production to data access/integration, pre-processing, analysis/mining, and interpretation.
This workshop is intended to bring together researchers and practitioners from the mentioned areas and to act as a platform for discussing experiences and visions about web technologies, methodologies and applications for data integration and mining in life sciences.
Location: Baia Samuele, Sampieri (Ragusa), Sicilia
Date: September 5-7, 2007

The deadline for the submission of late posters is 10 June. This is the last chance to submit a poster for possible presentation at the main conference.

Date: July 21-25, 2007
Location: Vienna, Austria:
Late posters submission deadline: 10 June