job offers
Location: University of Genoa, Italy
Starting date: January 2012
Contact: Marco Fato
Job Description: The bioinformatics unit at IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (sez. Mendel) is looking for two young PhD bioinformaticians, resident in PUGLIA, with specific experience and/or interest in high throughput data and biological networks analysis.

The candidates will be mainly in charge of the analysis of Gene Expression Arrays, Next-Generation Sequencing exome and transcriptome datasets and biological networks for a range of applications and projects (focused on Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, brain tumors, etc.). Analyses will comprise the following four steps: (i) data acquisition and handling (e.g., compression techniques for efficient storing); (ii) data analysis (reads mapping, variants discovery, data recalibration, data filtering, data mining through databases inspection, etc.); (iii) biological networks analysis (artificial knock-out, redundancy and lethality analysis, gene set essentiality, etc.); (iv) developing of ad-hoc software solutions/routines on clusters of CPUs and GPUs.

The correct cultural background (training in Biology / Computer Science / Statistics or a mix of the three) and a strong interest in working in high throughput data analysis will be considered at the same level of specific experience in the above-mentioned fields.

Knowledge of (or willingness to learn) one or more of these languages: python, perl, R, Java, C++, C# is a plus. Good knowledge of Scientific English will be positively evaluated for this position, together with good presentation and teamwork skills.

A CV with one professional reference, details on educational background and of the biological and/or bioinformatic and/or data analysis skills and experience should be sent by email for a preliminary selection to:
Tommaso Mazza, CSS-Mendel:

Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza is an Institute for hospitalization, care, and scientific research located in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy. It integrates clinical assistance (with inpatient and outpatient facilities) and research. It has an affiliate institute, CSS-Mendel, located in Rome. Between the two sites, it employs over 100 researchers who focus on genetics. The Center is equipped with state of the art genomics technology (SOLiD 5500XL next generation sequencer, Affymetrix microarray platform, etc) as well as a dedicated high performance computing facility, a non-conventional workstation of GPUs and a short- and long-term storage with over 50TB of disk space.

Candidates should send:
1) a cover letter explaining the role they would like to undertake within the Center, even if it is not listed in this job adv, stating clearly why they would be a good fit to the proposed role, and what they would bring to the Center in terms of expertise, ideas, talent;
2) a CV including a list of publications;
3) List of referees.
Location: EBI - Hinxton, UK
Contract Duration: 3 years
Grading: 5
Closing date: August 7, 2011
Reference Number: EBI_00100 Link:
Job Description:
The research group of prof. Gianluigi Condorelli at National Research Council - University of Milano Bicocca is looking for one or more bioinformatician(s) with specific experience and/or interest in High Throughput data analysis.

The candidate(s) will be mainly in charge of the analysis of Next-Generation sequencing genome and transcriptome datasets for a range of applications and projects in the experimental labs (transcriptomics; mutation detection; ChiP Seq etc), but analyses of other datasets (such as microarray) will be part of the duties.

The scientific focus of the group is on molecular medicine applied to cardiovascular diseases and a rich range of approaches is currently conducted in the experimental labs (1-4).

The correct cultural background (training in Biology / Computer Science / Statistics or a mix of the three) and a strong interest in working in HT data analysis will be considered at the same level of specific experience in the above-mentioned fields.

Good knowledge of Scientific English will be positively evaluated for this position, together with good presentation and teamwork skills.

The salary and type of contract will be commensurated to the candidate\'s skills and professional profile.

A CV with one professional reference, details on educational background and of the biological and/or bioinformatic and/or data analysis skills and experience should be sent by email for a preliminary selection to

Alessandro Guffanti, Bioinformatics, Genomnia:

Please note that this position is NOT associated with Genomnia, which helps only with the candidate preliminary selection

including the following sentence for privacy at the end of the CV:

“Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003



Carè, A., Catalucci, D., Felicetti, F., Bonci, D., Ruiz-Lozano, P., Gallo, P., Segnalini, P., Bang, M.L., Dorn, G.W.2nd, Ellingsen, O., Croce, C.M., Peschle, C., and Condorelli, G.(2007): MicroRNA-133 controls cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Nature Medicine, 13(5):613-8.

Elia, L., Contu, R., Quitavalle, M., Varrone, F., Chimenti, C., Russo, M.A., Cimino, V., De Marinis, L.,, Frustaci, A., Catalucci, D., Condorelli, G.(2009): Reciprocal regulation of microRNA-1 and IGF-1 signal transduction cascade in cardiac and skeletal muscle in physiological and pathological conditions; Circulation, 120(23):2377-85.

Quintavalle, M., Elia, L., Condorelli, G.* and Courtenidge, S.* (2010), MicroRNA control of podosome formation in vascular smooth muscle cells in vivo and in vitro. J. Cell Biol., 189(1):13-22

Zhang, D.H., Latronico, M.V.G., Zhang, J.L., Contu, R., Rizzi, R., Catalucci, D., Peterson, K.L., Brown, J.H., Chen, J, Sonenberg, N. and Condorelli G. (2010): mTORC-1 regulates cardiac function and myocyte survival through 4E-BP-1 inhibition. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120(8):2805-16
Location: EBI - Hinxton, near Cambridge, UK
Staff Category: Staff Member
Contract Duration: 3 years
Grading: 5
Closing Date: 26 June 2011
Reference number: EBI_00089