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The program will provide an introduction to both cancer biology and mathematical and statistical methods used in analyzing the datasets currently being produced by several laboratories around the world.
The goal of this course is to provide participants with the basic knowledge to understand the phenomenon of Phase Separation, its role in biological processes and diseases. In addition, the course will provide an overview of the available computational resources to navigate this knowledge WITH Hands-on training in tools and resources available for life sciences.
Within the newly funded Transregio TRR 305, a DFG-funded collaborative research consortium between the Universities of Regensburg, Erlangen, and the Fraunhofer Society (, we are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated bioinformatician to support project partners in the bioinformatics analysis of omics data.
WABI is an international conference covering research in algorithmic work in bioinformatics, computational biology and systems biology.
The Cancer Data Science (CDS) Laboratory at the University of Trieste (PI Dr G Caravagna, is looking for a bioinformatics/ computational biology expert to join the lab for a new AIRC-funded grant (area: Computational Biology).