job offers
Location: London, UK
Closing date: 2nd October, 2009
Contact: hsrecruit2 [at] kcl [dot] ac [dot] uk
Location: Umeå, Sweden
Application deadline: October 15th
Location: Padova, Italy
Starting date: October 2009
Contact: leonardo [dot] congiu [at] unipd [dot] it
Location: Ancona, Italy
Start date: January 2010
Contact: f [dot] piva [at] univpm [dot] it
Job Description: The successful candidate will work in conjunction with renowned international laboratories across Europe and Japan (including the Riken Institute, Karolinska Institute and SISSA) as part of the EU funded Dopaminet project ( ). The aim of the project is to understand the molecular signatures and networks of dopaminergic neurons from large genomics and imaging datasets. The candidate will focus in particular on the analysis (and possibly the generation) of next-generation sequencing technologies datasets with CAGE, RNASeq and ChipSeq protocols on samples obtained from ex-vivo cells as well as differentiated stem cells. The candidate will work within the laboratory lead by Elia Stupka, whose general aim is to decipher functional elements of the genome and their role in disease using functional and comparative genomics approaches. The laboratory is located within the medical genomics group lead by Stephan Beck at the UCL Cancer Institute, and has strong ties to other next-generation sequencing laboratories across London. Candidates should have: * Prior experience with the analysis of genomics data (ideally with next-generation sequencing data) * Experience in common bioinformatics packages such as Bioconductor and Bioperl * Good track record in internationally peer-reviewed publications is mandatory Beneficial, but not required: * Prior experience with comparative genomics and model organisms * Candidates with laboratory experience will have the opportunity to conduct their own experiments within the framework of the project, besides analysing datasets from other laboratories in the project.