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Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing in connection to novel models for analyzing such data are causing a rapid evolution of drug science,
giving rise to a new high-precision medicine. Our main and special guest lectures will address
such a scope focusing on algorithms, models, biomedical and biotechnological techniques together with clinical applications.
The Workshop and School on Cancer Development and Complexity seeks to convene researchers from various related disciplines to explore multiple facets of the challenges posed by cancer a "disease of the systems".
A postdoctoral position to study the epigenetic mechanisms driving cancer tumorigenesis and progression
postdoctoral position in computational biology on a highly innovative project that investigates cancer-associated epigenetic dysregulation in primary patient-derived tumor organoids
postdoctoral position in computational biology on a highly innovative project that investigates the epigenetic basis of environmentally-induced neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD)