ACM-BCB 2017 Call for Papers
Boston, MA, August 20-23, 2017
The 8th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB) is the flagship conference of the ACM SIGBio. ACM-BCB 2017 is the conference's eighth year, building upon the success of the first seven meetings in Niagara Falls, Chicago, Orlando, Washington DC, Newport Beach, Atlanta and Seattle.
ACM-BCB 2017 will be held in Boston, MA, August 20-23, 2017. The conference is the premier conference dedicated to interdisciplinary research linking computer science, mathematics, statistics, biology, bioinformatics, biomedical informatics, and health informatics. The past few decades have seen tremendous growth in the scale and complexity of biological and medical data including recent mainstream recognition of big data challenges. This conference serves to showcase leading-edge research on new technologies and techniques around gathering, processing, analyzing, and modeling of data and information for a variety of scientific, clinical, and healthcare applications, from bench to bedside.
In addition, this year ACM-BCB 2017 will be co-located with the Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI).
ACM-BCB 2017 welcomes original submissions that have not been published or under review. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM-BCB conference proceedings and appear in the ACM Digital Library (note that ACM copyright permissions are directly compatible with NIH and similar open-access policies, see authors.acm.org/main.html for more information). In addition, there is a separate Highlights track for authors who wish to present platform talks for papers that have already appeared in refereed journals; see the conference website for more information. Examples of relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Systems biology
- Automated diagnosis and prediction
- Biological modeling
- Application to healthcare processes
- Inferring phylogenies and haplotypes
- Text mining and classification
- Sequence analysis and genome assembly
- Knowledge representation applications
- Protein structure and dynamics
- Applications to microbes and imaging genetics
- Protein and RNA analysis
- Advancing algorithms and methods
- Genomic variation and disease
- Cancer genomics
- Big data in bioinformatics
- Clinical databases and information systems
Submission Link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bcb17
(Please choose the most appropriate track for your submission)
Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 10 pages in ACM template on 8.5 x 11 inch paper (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). ACM-BCB's technical program committee will review all submissions on the basis of their originality, technical soundness, significance, presentation, and relevance to the conference attendees. All accepted papers of registered authors will be included in the proceedings published by ACM Digital Library (Note that ACM copyright permissions are directly compatible with NIH and similar open access policies, see http://authors.acm.org/main.html for more information.). Details for the conference can be found at the acm-bcb.org
The authors of selected papers will be invited to adapt their papers for being published in a special issue of IEEE/ACM Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), or a special issue of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI).
Important Dates:
Paper submissions due : April 10, 2017
Notifications sent to authors : June 7, 2017
Camera-ready papers due : June 21, 2017
General Chairs:
Nurit Haspel, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Lenore J. Cowen, Tufts University, USA
Program Chairs:
Amarda Shehu, George Mason University, USA
Tamer Kahveci, University of Florida, USA
Giuseppe Pozzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Program Committee (Track co-chairs):
Systems Biology:
Wei Wang, UCLA
Yang Cao, Virginia Tech
Ferhat Ay, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology
Automated Diagnosis and Prediction:
Xiaoqian Jiang, UCSD
Eva Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology
Biological Modeling:
Anna Ritz, Reed College
Pietro Guzzi, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
Swarup Roy, North-Eastern Hill University, India
Application to Healthcare Processes:
Pierangelo Veltri, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
Mattia Prosperi, University of Florida
Fei Wang, Cornell University
Inferring Phylogenies and Haplotypes:
Oliver Eulenstein, Iowa State University
Mukul Bansal, University of Connecticut
Kevin Liu, Michigan State University
Text Mining and Classification:
Catherine Blake, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chih-Lin Chi, University of Minnesota
Rezarta Islamaj-Dogan, NIH-NLM
Sequence Analysis and Genome Assembly:
Christina Boucher, University of Florida
Stefano Lonardi, University of California, Riverside
Ben Langmead, Johns Hopkins University
Knowledge Representation Applications:
Beth Britt, University of Washington
Carlo Combi, University of Verona
John Holmes, University of Pennsylvania
Protein Structure and Dynamics:
Juan Cortes, CNRS-LAAS, University of Toulouse
Henry van den Bedem, Stanford University
Jerome Waldispuhl, McGill University
Application to Microbes and Imaging Genetics:
Lin Yang, University of Florida
Kun Huang, Ohio State University
Fuogo Fang, Florida International University
Protein and RNA Analysis:
Ruben Abagyan, UCSD
Alexander G. de Brevern, Univ Paris Diderot
Advancing Algorithms and Methods:
Teresa Przytycka, National Institutes of Health
Jaroslaw Zola, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Kim Yoo-Ah, National Institutes of Health
Genomic Variation and Disease:
Nicolo Fusi, Microsoft Research
Sara Mostafavi, UBC
Zhiping Weng, UMass Medical School
Cancer Genomics:
Ernest Fraenkel, MIT
Russell Schwartz, Carnegie Mellon University
Ben Raphael, Brown University
Big Data in Bioinformatics:
Mehmet Koyuturk, Case Western Reserve University
Ananth Kalyanaraman, Washington State University
Marco Masseroli, Politecnico di Milano
Clinical Databases and Information Systems:
Armin Mikler, University of North Texas
Amar J. Das, IBM
Lucia Sacchi, Universita’ di Pavia
Highlights Track Chairs:
Mona Singh, Princeton University
Christopher Bailey-Kellogg, Dartmouth College
Terry Gaasterland, UCSD
Workshop Chairs:
Lydia Tapia, University of New Mexico
Jianlin Cheng, University of Missouri
Bhaskar Dasgupta, University of Illinois at Chicago
Tutorial Chair:
Filip Jagodzinski, Western Washington University
Dario Ghersi, University of Nebraska
Giuseppe Tradigo, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy
Demo and Exhibit Chair:
Robert (Bob) Cottingham, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Narayan Ganesan, Stevens Institute of Technology
Poster Chairs:
Dong Si, University of Washington Bothell
A. Ercument Cicek, Bilkent University
Noah Daniels, University of Rhode Island
Registration Chair:
Preetam Ghosh, Virginia Commonwealth University
Publicity Chairs
Rolf Backofen, University of Freiburg, Germany
Pierangelo Veltri, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy
A. Ercument Cicek, Bilkent University, Turkey
Student Travel Award Chair:
May D. Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University
Student Activity Chairs:
Shilpa Nadimpalli Kobren, Princeton University
Jisoo Park, Tufts University
Women in Bioinformatics (WiB) Chair:
May D. Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University
Proceedings Chairs:
Xinghua Mindy Shi, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Yang Shen, Texas A&M University
Benjamin Hescott, Tufts University
Web Admin:
Jonathan Kho, Georgia Institute of Technology
Steering Committee:
Aidong Zhang, State University of New York at Buffalo, Co-Chair
May D. Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, Co-Chair
Srinivas Aluru, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tamer Kahveci, University of Florida
Christopher C. Yang, Drexel University