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Job Description: Offering a One-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Assegno di Ricerca), at the University of Padova. The position is linked to the project “A BIOINFORMATIC AND SYSTEMS BIOLOGY APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF GENOME EXPRESSION DURING MYELOID DIFFERENTIATION”. The scientific activity will be carried out under the supervision of Dr. Stefania Bortoluzzi, at the Department of Biology. The official selection will be open in July 2009 (starting date: September 1, 2009) The fellow will be involved in all the parts of the scientific project, including data retrieval, integration, analysis and software development. Thus he/she must have a good background in functional genomics and bioinformatics, with particular regard to the expression data field. Programming skills will also constitute a preferential quality.
Location: Catania, Italy
Date: June 10-13, 2009
Oral communication submission deadline: April 28, 2009
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Date: August 3-4 2009
Paper submission deadline: April 23,2009
Contact: jobs [at] bch [dot] umontreal [dot] ca