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Location: Padova, Italy
Contact: alessandro [dot] grapputo [at] unipd [dot] it
Location: Michigan, USA
Contact: zhng [at] umich [dot] edu
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Date: 19-22 January, 2010
Job Description: A number of Ph.D. positions are available at University College Dublin, for work on machine learning methods for the prediction of properties of proteins, RNA, drug-like compounds. Candidates will request funding directly to the grant agency ( through a simple online form, jointly with the hosting lab. The final deadline for applications is mid-January. The candidates are requested to contact me by early January at the latest to coordinate the application for funding. Results are expected by April/May 2010. I am looking for candidates with a computational background, e.g. Engineering/Computer Science, or Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry with a strong programming experience. Candidates should have been awarded their B.Sc.+M.Sc. (e.g. Laurea Specialistica), or expect to complete it by the Summer of 2010, have top marks, and be highly motivated to work on interdisciplinary research. The positions will be located within the Complex and Adaptive Systems Laboratory, a highly interdisciplinary Institute hosting over 200 researchers, at University College Dublin, the largest university in Ireland, currently ranked within the top 100 research universities in the world.
Location: Torino, Italy
Date: 9-11 December 2009