BPB10 - Bioinformatics using Python for Biologists
4 March 2010
Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics
Applications are now open for:
BPB10 -  Bioinformatics using Python for Biologists
IMPORTANT DATES for this Course
Deadline for applications: April 2nd 2010
Notification of acceptance dates:
       EARLY:  March 12th 2010 (on special request, see Application)
       NORMAL:  April 6th 2009
Course date: April 19th to April 23rd 2010
Python is an object-oriented programming language that is ideal for biological
data analysis. The course will start with very basic language concepts and
instructions and will cover all the main language aspects, including variables,
types, modules, functions, exceptions, control of flux, input, output, and
classes. All the examples and practical sessions will focus on solving
particular biological problems. In particular, examples and practical sessions
will cover:
- working with DNA and protein sequences
- data retrieval from files and their manipulation
- running applications, such as BLAST, locally and from a script
- finding motifs in sequences
- parsing Swiss-Prot files, PDB files, ENSEMBLE records, blast output files, etc.
Biopython will be also introduced and applied to some of the mentioned examples.
By the end of the course, the students will have a good understanding of Python
basics and will have acquired the skills to manage any type of bioinformatics
record and to run applications from scripts.
Unix/linux basic skills will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Please refer to the GTPB website for further details and application procedures.
where you will also find more information on upcoming courses.
Best regards
Pedro Fernandes
GTPB Coordinator
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia