GOBLET Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training - Toronto - Canada
Empowering people, harnessing communities, networking networks
November 14-16, 2014
Toronto, Canada


GOBLET was established in 2012 by a group of international & national
societies & networks to offer an umbrella for bioinformatics, biocuration,
biocomputing & computational biology (B3CB) learning, education & training.

Our Mission
  • To provide a global, sustainable support & networking infrastructure for
  • bioinformatics trainers & trainees (including a training portal for sharing
  • materials, tools, best practice documents, etc.)
  • To facilitate capacity development in bioinformatics in all countries
  • To develop standards & guidelines for bioinformatics education & training
  • To act as a hub for fund gathering
  • To reach out to teachers at high schools, to bridge the gap to the next
  • generation of bioinformaticians
  • To foster the international community of B3CB trainers
Our Ethos Embraces
  • inclusivity (welcoming all relevant organisations, networks, societies)
  • sharing (expertise, best practice, materials, tools, compute resources)
  • openness (using Creative Commons Licence)
  • innovation (welcoming imaginative ideas & approaches)
  • tolerance (transcending national, political, cultural & social boundaries
  • Our Themes Include
  • Quality (of training, training resources & trainers)
  • Accreditation
  • Incentivisation (recognition)
  • Training methods
  • Outreach
  • Sustainability (funding)
Our Themes Include
  • Quality (of training, training resources & trainers)
  • Accreditation 
  • Incentivisation (recognition)
  • Training methods
  • Outreach
  • Sustainability (funding)

Responding to a recognised need to coordinate a spectrum of world-wide
training activities, we aim to share, not duplicate effort; to share, not duplicate
cost; to work together towards common solutions & a sustainable future.
Learning, Education & Training Committee
  • ! Developing & sharing best practice in teaching & learning methods, &
  • providing curriculum guidance
  • ! Providing recognition, support structures & resources for trainers, including
  • materials, methods & train-the-trainer programmes
  • Outreach & PR Committee
  • ! Promoting GOBLET’s mission, training resources, activities & events
  • ! Maintaining social networking interactions & galvanising the community to
  • participate in GOBLET initiatives
Standardisation Committee
  • ! Providing accreditation mechanisms for learners & trainers, to better
  • signpost the wide range of available training programmes
  • ! Increasing the overall quality of training programmes
  • Fund-raising Committee
  • ! Stimulating collaborative projects within GOBLET & the training community
  • ! Raising funds to sustain GOBLET
  • Technical Committee
  • ! Providing a support infrastructure for trainers & trainees
  • ! Maintaining an open Training Portal for the community
Main Achievements
  • ! Launched the GOBLET Training Portal
  • ! Established a poster track for education at ISMB
  • ! Presented our first ISMB education poster
  • ! Published two collaborative papers
  • ! Won a Canadian grant to fund our next meeting in Toronto

Partecipating organisations
EMBnet,ISCB,APBioNet,ASBCB,ISB,EBI,NBIC,bioinformatics.ca,SIB,IGC,SEB,ABN,TGAC,Itico,CPGR,TSL,SGBC,CSC,EdGe,Nowgen,CGAT,BioSharing WT Advanced Courses & Conferences

Contact details
Executive Board
Terri Attwood, Chair
Vicky Schneider, Vice Chair
Michelle Brazas, Secretary
Fran Lewitter, Treasurer
Postal Address
GOBLET Sichting
CMBI Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Centre
Geert Grooteplein 26­‐28
6581 GB Nijmegen
annual meeting website