3S Biology Summer School, Trento 8-11 September 2014. Deadline for abstract submission July 15
The deadline for submitting an abstract  to the 3S Biology Summer School (http://events.unitn.it/en/3sbiology) organized by the Centre for Integrative Biology of Trento University, Italy, from the 8th to the 11th of September 2014 is approaching.


Do not miss the opportunity to participate actively with talks or posters in an intense week of discussions and hands-on activities with established scientific leaders in Systems, Synthetic and Semantic Biology.


Relevant Dates:

July 15th, 2014: Abstract submission deadline

July 31st, 2014: Notification about abstract

August 29th, 2014: Registration deadline



Abstract have to be submitted to 3SBiology2014@unitn.it

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed and selected for short platform presentations or for poster presentation.

Learn more at our website http://events.unitn.it/en/3sbiology


International speakers

Olivier Elemento, Weill Cornell Medical University, US

Jean-Loop Faulon, Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology, France

Alfonso Jaramillo, University of Warwick, UK

Vladimir Mironov, Department of Biology of Norwegian University, NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Jeroen Raes, VIB, Belgium

Andrea Splendiani, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, UK



Topics include but are not limited to:


* Bioinformatics

* Bio-engineering

* Biological ontologies

* Comparative genomics

* Computational methods in functional genomics

* Data models in biology

* Gene functions

* Gene identification and annotation

* Gene, metabolic, protein networks: inference, modelling, simulation

* Genomes and protein analysis

* Genotype-phenotype associations

* High-performing bio-computing

* In-silico models for drug design and drug targeting

* Model driven analysis of biological systems

* Molecular modeling and simulation

* Molecular sequence analysis

* Machine learning and data integration in molecular biology

* Metagenomics

* Mining integrated life sciences data

* Molecular databases and data warehouses

* Network biology

* Next Generation Sequencing

* Parallel architectures and algorithms for biological applications

* Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics modeling

* RNA-Seq data analysis

* Sequencing assembly and mapping

* Synthetic biology

* Translational medicine

* Visual Analytics