Second Call for ECCB 2008 papers
European Conference in Computational Biology

Second Call for ECCB 2008 Paper submissions:

deadline February 11th 2008   Details at:

We invite you to submit your work in any area of computational biology and bioinformatics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Genomes and protein analysis
Algorithms and phylogeny
Structural Bioinformatics
Text mining
Pathways and interactions
Systems biology
Bioinformatics for diseases

Papers, which should describe previously unpublished work, will undergo peer review. Accepted papers will be published in Bioinformatics and will be indexed in Medline and ISI.
Authors of accepted papers will present their work at the meeting.

ECCB08 Key dates:

Workshops and Tutorials
Call for Tutorials and Workshops Opens                           November 12, 2007
Workshop and Tutorial (Instructor) Submission Deadline   April 14, 2008
Workshop and Tutorial Acceptance Notification                 June 3, 2008

Call for Papers Opens                                                   November 19, 2007
Paper Submission Deadline                                           February 11, 2008
Paper Acceptance Notification                                        April  7, 2008
Accepted Paper (Final Version) Submission Deadline        April 20, 2008
Call for Posters Opens                                                   November 19, 2007
Poster Submission Deadline                                           April 19, 2008
Poster Acceptance Notification                                        June 3, 2008
Fellowships & Volunteers
Fellowship and volunteer Application Process Opens         June 3, 2008
Fellowship and volunteer Application Deadline                  June 20, 2008
Fellowship and volunteer Acceptance Notification              July 3, 2008
ECCB Conference
Conference program, Registration opens on-site               September 22, 2008
Conference last day                                                       September 26, 2008
Registration Opens                                                         March 31, 2008
Early Registration deadline                                              August 22, 2008

        The next meeting of the largest European Conference in Bioinformatics
             will be held in Cagliari (Sardinia, I) September 22nd-26th, 2008
              For more information visit the site: