AllBio Conference 2012 "Broadening the Bioinformatics Infrastructure to Unicellular, Animal, and Plant Science"
 After sequencing the human genome, the world spent a lot of time and money on developing the bioinformatics tools and infrastructure needed to harvest the wealth of information in those 23 chromosomes. 
And as technological progress drives falling costs, sequencing (and other forms of large scale molecular assay) have become routine in all scientific fields.
But the bioinformatics support for other use cases has been critically lacking compared with human genomics. The AllBio project has coordinated efforts apply these technologies work to further fields such as microbial, plant, and livestock bioinformatics through a unique approach, based on harvesting bringing together communities to solve actual use cases and overcome common information bottlenecks. 
We invite you to join us as the AllBio Congress, to be held in the historic medieval city of Florence, Italy, in June 2014. 
The Congress will: 
- Demonstrate the software, pipelines and specifications arising from the AllBio community efforts 
- Highlight a number of outstanding tools available for use in unicellular, plant and animal science 
- Showcase cutting edge data-driven science in these fields. 
- Provide the opportunity to interact with people involved in leading informatics projects.
Register now for free and submit your abstract. 
Selected abstracts will be chosen for oral presentation.
Learn more about AllBio project, visit the website: