Recomb Comparative Genomics 2014
Recomb-CG 2014 (
Call for papers:
Submissions must be received in electronic form by 11:59pm (GTM-5), June 27th, 2014.
The twelfth RECOMB-CG satellite workshop brings together leading researchers in the mathematical, computational and life sciences to discuss cutting edge research in comparative genomics, with an emphasis on computational approaches and novel experimental results. The program includes both invited speakers and contributed talks.
We welcome contributions in any field related to this non exhaustive list:
- algorithms in genome rearrangement,
- comparative tools for genome assembly,
- gene identification and/or annotation,
- comparison of functional networks,
- genomic variation,
- comparative epigenomics,
- genome evolution,
- paleogenomics,
- population genomics,
- cancer evolutionary genomics.
Any other research topics not listed here and relevant to comparative genomics will also be considered.
The Meeting:
The 12th edition of Recomb-CG will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) in Cold Spring Harbor, in the immediate vicinity of New York City, USA.
Papers & Posters:
We welcome paper submissions and accepted articles will be published in the open access international online journal BMC Bioinformatics. BMC will charge publication fees independently from the conference registration. All accepted papers will have to be presented by one of the authors at the conference.
We also welcome poster submissions.
Call for papers:
Submissions must be received in electronic form by 11:59pm (GTM-5), June 27th, 2014.
The twelfth RECOMB-CG satellite workshop brings together leading researchers in the mathematical, computational and life sciences to discuss cutting edge research in comparative genomics, with an emphasis on computational approaches and novel experimental results. The program includes both invited speakers and contributed talks.
We welcome contributions in any field related to this non exhaustive list:
- algorithms in genome rearrangement,
- comparative tools for genome assembly,
- gene identification and/or annotation,
- comparison of functional networks,
- genomic variation,
- comparative epigenomics,
- genome evolution,
- paleogenomics,
- population genomics,
- cancer evolutionary genomics.
Any other research topics not listed here and relevant to comparative genomics will also be considered.
The Meeting:
The 12th edition of Recomb-CG will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) in Cold Spring Harbor, in the immediate vicinity of New York City, USA.
Papers & Posters:
We welcome paper submissions and accepted articles will be published in the open access international online journal BMC Bioinformatics. BMC will charge publication fees independently from the conference registration. All accepted papers will have to be presented by one of the authors at the conference.
We also welcome poster submissions.