On June 23 to 28, 2014, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia, will conduct the regular International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and StructureSystems Biology (BGRSSB-2014). This conference will be the ninth, starting from 1998. Bioinformatics and systems biology are rapidly developing fields of science. Therefore, each of the past conferences of the BGRS series was dedicated to topical problems of its time.
The key feature of modern bioinformatics and systems biology is deep integration of experimental and computer-assisted studies. In this context, much attention of the conference will be paid to the integration of experimental and computer-assisted/theoretical approaches.
The BGRS/SB-2014 program will include microsymposia, oral and poster sessions on the following topics:
1. Next generation sequencing and data analysis, assembling algorithms, annotation of genomes and metagenomes;
2. Spatial arrangement of genetic material in a cell;
3. GWAS, associative criteria, analysis of polymorphisms, bioinformatics of quantitative trait loci (QTL);
4. Experimental models and computer simulations of gene expression regulation;
5. Structure, function, and molecular dynamics of biologic macromolecules and supramolecular complexes;
6. Gene networks and metabolic pathways: reconstruction and modeling;
7. Developmental biology with special attention to stem cells;
8. Evolutionary bioinformatics, molecular adaptation, population genetics theory;
9. Human origin and evolution in the context of recent findings in archeology and paleogenomics;
10. Neurobiology with emphasis on the organization of molecular systems in the brain and cognitive processes;
11. Translation studies and personalized medicine;
12. Postgenomic pharmacology and search for new pharmacological targets;
13. Synthetic computer bioscience and experimental construction of artificial molecular-genetic systems;
14. Epigenetics and epigenomics;
15. Application of high performance computing in bioinformatics/systems biology; and
16. Intelligent data integration and automated data mining in research papers and databases.
Participants will present the most recent results in these fields. As before, the program will be composed with regard to proposals of the conference participants, who may initiate new panel arrangement.
You are welcome to participate in the 9^th International Conference “Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and StructureSystems Biology” (BGRSSB-2014).
Please mark your calendar. Welcome to Novosibirsk!
Prof Nikolay A. Kolchanov
Director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
BGRSSB-2014 Chairman
Prof Ralf Hofestädt, Bielefeld University, Germany
BGRSSB-2014 Co-chairman
Novosibirsk 630090, Fax: +7(383) 333-12-78, Tel.: +7(383) 333-34-68
Official web site BGRS-2014:
Institute of Cytology and Genetics:
E-mail of the Organizing committee:
The key feature of modern bioinformatics and systems biology is deep integration of experimental and computer-assisted studies. In this context, much attention of the conference will be paid to the integration of experimental and computer-assisted/theoretical approaches.
The BGRS/SB-2014 program will include microsymposia, oral and poster sessions on the following topics:
1. Next generation sequencing and data analysis, assembling algorithms, annotation of genomes and metagenomes;
2. Spatial arrangement of genetic material in a cell;
3. GWAS, associative criteria, analysis of polymorphisms, bioinformatics of quantitative trait loci (QTL);
4. Experimental models and computer simulations of gene expression regulation;
5. Structure, function, and molecular dynamics of biologic macromolecules and supramolecular complexes;
6. Gene networks and metabolic pathways: reconstruction and modeling;
7. Developmental biology with special attention to stem cells;
8. Evolutionary bioinformatics, molecular adaptation, population genetics theory;
9. Human origin and evolution in the context of recent findings in archeology and paleogenomics;
10. Neurobiology with emphasis on the organization of molecular systems in the brain and cognitive processes;
11. Translation studies and personalized medicine;
12. Postgenomic pharmacology and search for new pharmacological targets;
13. Synthetic computer bioscience and experimental construction of artificial molecular-genetic systems;
14. Epigenetics and epigenomics;
15. Application of high performance computing in bioinformatics/systems biology; and
16. Intelligent data integration and automated data mining in research papers and databases.
Participants will present the most recent results in these fields. As before, the program will be composed with regard to proposals of the conference participants, who may initiate new panel arrangement.
You are welcome to participate in the 9^th International Conference “Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and StructureSystems Biology” (BGRSSB-2014).
Please mark your calendar. Welcome to Novosibirsk!
Prof Nikolay A. Kolchanov
Director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
BGRSSB-2014 Chairman
Prof Ralf Hofestädt, Bielefeld University, Germany
BGRSSB-2014 Co-chairman
Novosibirsk 630090, Fax: +7(383) 333-12-78, Tel.: +7(383) 333-34-68
Official web site BGRS-2014:
Institute of Cytology and Genetics:
E-mail of the Organizing committee: