MOTIVATIONS AND AIMS. Pattern recognition, after many years of studies and researches successfully developed in several applicative areas, has now know-how, computing strategies, technologies, methods and tools to exploit in new fields such as proteomics, structural biology and bioinformatics.
SCOPE & CALL FOR PAPERS. The amount and complexity of bioinformatics data such as DNA and protein sequences, genetic information, biomedical text and molecular data had a sort of explosion in the past decade. The importance of the study such amounts of data, for the analysis of structural building blocks, their comparison and their classification are instrumental to practical problems of the maximum impact. Current pattern recognition techniques to tackle these huge data are still not sufficient: the development of approaches for the improvement of the current performances is the scope of the workshop. A list of open issues on which prospective authors are invited to submit papers is: - Alignment and comparison of biological sequences and structures - All-to-all comparison and research of structural motifs - Blocks retrieval in databases - Classification of known structures - Computational and comparative genomics - Docking between proteins and between protein and ligand - Folding and prediction from amino sequences - Morphological study for molecules interaction and comparison - Prediction of links between protein and potential drugs - Pathway and network analysis - Gene and protein expression analysis and classification - Pattern discovery and motif detection - High content screening and analysis
FORMAT. The workshop will feature contributed talks as well as invited presentations. Moreover, feeling that the more informal the better, open and lively discussions and exchange of ideas are solicited. Some panels are allocated to stimulate questions and discussions.
PAPER SUBMISSION. Papers must be submitted to . Manuscripts should be in pdf and formatted according to Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) style. Information concerning typesetting can be obtained directly from Springer at: Papers must not exceed 8 pages and should report original work. All submitted papers will be subject to a rigorous peer-review process. Accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted.
Paper submission: 30 May 2013
Notifications: 10 June 2013
Camera-ready due: 28 June 2013
Workshop: 9-10 September 2013