4th International Workshop on Interactions between Computer Science and Biology - Florence - Italy
First call for papers

                     4th International Workshop on
           Interactions between Computer Science and Biology

                       Affiliated to DisCoTec'13

                           June 6th, 2013
                            Florence, Italy


Biology is a stimulating field of application for computer scientists and
a promising resource for biologists. The aim of this workshop is to gather
researchers in formal methods that are
interested in the convergence of Computer Science and Life Sciences. In
particular, in this forth edition, we solicit the contribution of original
results, from any research areas, such as Mathematics,
Physics, Complex Systems, and Computational Sciences that address both
theoretical aspects of modelling and applied work on the comprehension of
biological behaviour. Furthermore, to facilitate the integration of
different research areas we encourage the presentation of the main
objectives and preliminary results of active projects on the CS2Bio topics
conducted by interdisciplinary teams.

*** SCOPE ***

Contributions selected for presentation at CS2Bio should either present
the modelling of a specific biological phenomenon using formal
techniques, or a modelling, simulation, testing or verification
approach in computer science that leads to a novel and promising
application to a range of biological or medical systems. In the latter
case, some emphasis on the scope and scalability of the approach will be
required. The workshop intends to attract researchers interested in
models, verification, tools, and programming primitives concerning the
complex interactions encountered. Topics of interest include, but shall
not be limited to:

- Formal Biological Modelling
  - Formal methods for the representation of biological systems and
    their dynamics;
  - Theoretical links and comparisons between different formal models
    for the modelling of biological processes;
  - Quantitative (probabilistic, timed, stochastic, etc.) languages
    and calculi;
  - Spatial (geometrical, topological) languages and calculi;
  - Prediction of biological behaviour from incomplete information; -
Model checking, abstract interpretation, type systems, etc.

- Novel Computational Paradigms for Understanding Biological Complex
  - Quantum information and life sciences;
  - Geometry, algebraic and computational topology and
  - Information processing and biomedicine;
  - Statistical mechanics and biophysics.

- Tools and Simulations
  - Modelling, analysis and simulation tools for systems biology;
  - Emergence of properties in complex biological systems;
  - Tools for parallel, distributed, and multi-resolution simulation
  - Detailed biological case-studies.


  - Giuseppe Longo (ENS Paris, France)
  - Mario Rasetti (ISI Foundation, Italy)


We solicit three kinds of contributions:
  - Regular papers: must report previously unpublished work and not be
    submitted concurrently to a journal or to another conference with
refereed proceedings (limited to 14 pages).
  - Tool presentations: describing new tools or platforms for the
    modelling of biological systems (limited to 7 pages).
  - Dissemination of project results: concern recent or ongoing work
    on topics relevant to CS2Bio and are intended to provide discussion
and stimulate feedback during the workshop. The focus of a
    dissemination should be put on the main objectives and preliminary
results of active projects on topics relevant to the workshop. There
are no restrictions about previous or future publication of the
contents of a dissemination, it could also be based on a recently
published paper or on a work which has not yet been submitted
    (limited to 4 pages).

Authors should submit their contributions via EasyChair
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cs2bio13) in the form of a pdf
file compiled using the ENTCS style for the workshop proceedings
(http://www.entcs.org/files/cs2bio/prentcsmacro.sty). If necessary,
detailed proofs or other additional material can be added in an appendix
(referees might review it at their discretion).


The proceedings of the workshop will be published in a volume of the
Elsevier series "Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science". After
the event, papers presented at the workshop will be invited to be
furtherly extended and submitted to an open special issue of the journal
"Theoretical Computer Science".

A special issue of the journal "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science"
will be open for papers that will contribute to the session on
EU FP7 DyM-CS - Dynamics of Multi-level Complex Systems -
that will be held on the 5th of June.


- Submission deadline: 26 March 2013
- Notification to authors: 03 May 2013
- Workshop: 06 June 2013


  - Erik de Vink
  - Jasmin Fisher
  - Paola Giannini
  - Radu Grosu
  - Jean Krivine
  - Pietro Lio'
  - Daniele Manini
  - Emanuela Merelli (Co-chair)
  - Paolo Milazzo
  - Ion Petre
  - Marco Pettini
  - Christian Reidys
  - David Safranek
  - Luca Tesei
  - Angelo Troina (Co-chair)
  - Verena Wolf


  - Erik de Vink
  - Paola Giannini
  - Jean Krivine
  - Angelo Troina