PRIB 2013 - CIBB 2013 - Nice - France

PRIB 2013 --- CIBB 2013

8th IAPR International Conference in Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics
(PRIB 2013 -- June 17-19)

10th International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
(CIBB 2013 ­ June 20-22)

Venue: Chateau de Valrose, Nice, France
Date:  June 17-22 2013

PRIB 2013:
The International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) sponsored
conference aims to bring together top researchers, practitioners and
students from around the world to discuss the applications of pattern
recognition methods in the field of bioinformatics to solve problems in the
life sciences. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in the
research areas of interest to the workshop. These include, but not limited

•    Bio-sequence analysis
•    Gene and protein expression analysis
•    Protein structure and interaction prediction
•    Motifs and signal detection
•    Metabolic modeling and analysis
•    Systems and synthetic biology
•    Pathway and network analysis
•    Immuno- and chemo-informatics
•    Evolution and phylogeny
•    Biological databases, integration and visualization
•    Bio-imaging
•    Eco-informatics
•    Network Systems Biology
Pattern recognition techniques of interest include, but not limited to:

•    Static, syntactic and structural pattern recognition
•    Data mining, Data based modeling
•    Neural networks, Fuzzy systems
•    Evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence
•    Hidden Markov models, Graphical models
CIBB 2013:
The main goal of CIBB meetings is to provide a forum open to researchers
from different disciplines to present and discuss problems concerning
computational techniques in bioinformatics, systems biology, and medical
and health informatics with a particular focus on Neural Networks, Machine
Learning, Fuzzy Logic, and Evolutionary Computation methods. Technical
areas addressed by CIBB 2013 include, but are not limited to:

•    Sequence analysis, promoter analysis and identification of
•    Factor binding sites
•    Gene expression data analysis
•    Methods for the integration of clinical and genetic data
•    Algorithms for alternative splicing analysis
•    Methods for functional classification of genes
•    Methods for unsupervised analysis, validation and visualizatioon of
•    Structures discovered in bio-molecular data
•    Prediction of secondary and tertiary protein structures
•    Mass spectrometry data analysis in proteomics
•    Methods for comparative genomics
•    Algorithms for molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis
•    Mathematical modeling and simulation of biological systems
•    Heterogeneous data integration and data fusion for diagnostics
•    Bio-molecular databases and data mining
•    Algorithms for pharmacogenomics
•    Biomedical text mining and imaging
•    Methods for diagnosis and prognosis
•    Software tools for bioinformatics
•    Health-Informatics and Medical Informatics.
CIBB 2013 is jointly organized by:

•    INNS International Neural Network Society SIG Bioinformatics
•    INNS International Neural Network Society SIG Bio-pattern
•    IEEE-CIS-BBCT Task forces on Neural Networks and Evolutionary
•    University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
•    Dipartimento di Informatica ­ University of Salerno, I, Italy

with the sponsorship of:

•    SIREN: Italian Neural Networks Society
•    RNBIO: The Italian Network for Oncology Bioinformatics
•    ANR EMC project, Nice, France
•    I3S Laboratory, Sophia Antipolis, France
•    Règion PACA, France
•    ED STIC, Universitè Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
•    Dipartimento di Informatica ­ University of Salerno (I (Italy)

The scientific programs of PRIB-CIBB 2013 will include five Keynote
Speakers, tutorial sessions, and contributed papers that will be presented
in plenary oral sessions, special sessions, or poster sessions.


PRIB 2013
o Ram Samudrala (Department of Microbiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, USA,
o Jean-Philippe Vert (Centre for Computational Biology, Institut Curie,
Paris, France,

o Anne Siegel (CNRS, Equipe Dyliss IRISA/Inria/Universite de Rennes 1,

CIBB 2013
o Ernst Wit (Johann Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen, The
o Sylvain Senè, (Universitè d'Evry-­Val d'Essonne and IXXI-ENS Lyon, France,


• PRIB:Accepted papers will be published in the Springer series of  Lecture
Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI). Enhanced versions of selected papers will
be included in a special issue in the Journal of Neurocomputing , the
Pattern Recognition Letters , Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry , and
the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
• CIBB: Accepted papers will be published on a flash drive with a sspecific
ISBN number for the conference proceedings. A selection of papers presented
at CIBB 2013 will appear in a post-conference monograph published in the
Springer series of Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI). Moreover, we are
planning to publish the best papers in an extended form in a special issue
of an international scientific journal.


Tutorial and Special Session Proposals:            15 January 2013
Paper submission deadline:            10 February 2013
Author Notification:                10 March 2013
Final paper due:                10 April 2013
Early Bird Registration:            20 March 2013
PRIB-CIBB 2013 Conference:                17-22 June 2013


Tutorial proposals to either PRIB or CIBB, including title, one page long
abstract, and short CV of presenters, are due by 15 January 2013. Please
send proposals to

Special Session proposals to either PRIB or CIBB, including the session's
title and scope, short CV of sessions chairs, preliminary list of at least
5 potential authors are due by 15 January 2013. Proposals of special
sessions will be evaluated as soon as they are submitted. A special session
must have at least 5 accepted papers. Please send proposals to


PRIB 2013: Papers must be prepared following the guidelines of the Springer
series of Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. Papers should be no longer than
12 pages.

CIBB 2013: Papers must be prepared following the guidelines illustrated on
the PRIB-CIBB web site and should not be longer than 10 pages.

Papers should be submitted in PDF format on the Easy Chair conference
You should specify either PRIB or CIBB when submitting the paper.


PRIB-CIBB General Chair
Enrico Formenti, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France

CIBB General Chairs
Roberto Tagliaferri, University of Salerno, Italy
Ernst Witt, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

PRIB General Chair
Alioune Ngom, University of Windsor, Canada

PRIB Program Chairs
Jin-Kao Hao, Universite d’Angers, France
Xing-Ming Zhao, Tongji University, China

CIBB  Technical Chair
Clelia Di Serio, University San Raffaele, Italy

PRIB Technical Chair
Jonathan Garibaldi, University of Nottingham, UK

PRIB-CIBB Publicity Chair
Gilles Bernot, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France

Local Arrangement Chair
Jean-Paul Comet, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France

Publication Chair
Twan van Laarhoven, Radboud University, The Netherlands

Special Session and Tutorial Chairs
Alfredo Vellido, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Claudia Angelini, IAC-CNR, Italy
Alexandru Floares, Oncological Institute Cluj-Napoca, Romania

PRIB Steering Committee
Madhu Chetty, Monash University, Australia
Visakan Kadirkamanathan, University of Sheffield, UK
Jagath C Rajapakse, Nanyang Technological University, Singapor
Dick de Ridder, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Raj Acharya, PennState, USA
Tom Heskes, Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Elena Marchiori, Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Marcel Reinders, Deft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Guido Sanguinetti, University of Edinburgh, UK

CIBB Steering Commitee
Pierre Baldi, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Elia Biganzoli, University of Milan, Italy
Alexandru Floares, Oncological Institute Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Jon Garibaldi, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Francesco Masulli, University of Genova, Italy and Temple University, PA, USA
Leif Peterson, TMHRI, Houston, Texas, USA
Roberto Tagliaferri, University of Salerno, Italy

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