JOBIM 2013 - French conference on biology, computer science and mathematics - Toulouse - France
French conference on biology, computer science and mathematics
July 1st at 2pm to July 4th 2013 at noon
Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse
Annual meeting of the french-speaking bioinformatics community
Toulouse hosts the fourteenth edition of the "Open days in biology, computer science and mathematics". As usual, the conference will be under the auspices of the "Societé Française de Bio Informatique" ( SFBI ).
The last three editions were held in Montpellier (2010), Paris (2011) and Rennes (2012).
This year's edition is exceptionally organized in collaboration with our Spanish colleagues in Barcelona, thereby bringing the French and Spanish communities together. The main topics of the conference are:
Dates to remember