RNA-seq Workshop An introductory course to RNA-seq - Torino - Italy
RNA-seq Workshop
An introductory course to RNA-seq (Centro di Biotecnologie Molecolari, Via Nizza 52, Torino, Italy, 27-28 March 2013)
Next Generation Sequencing platforms changes the conventional view of transcript analysis. Massive Parallel Sequencing methods (MPS) can extend and improve the knowledge obtained by conventional microarray technology, both for mRNAs and short non-coding RNAs, e.g. miRNAs.
This hands-on course is organized by B&Gu with guest speakers from Illumina, Singapore Immunology Network and Polytechnic of Torino. The course is suitable for biologists who are new to RNA-seq technology. Additionally, if you have analyzed gene expression data from microarrays and would now like to do projects using RNA-seq technology, then this workshop will enable you to gather information on the critical issue on RNA-seq from sample prep to data analysis.
The course is based on the use of Bioconductor open-source software. However, R coding skill is not required since all the analyses are done using oneChannelGUI, a graphical interface to Bioconductor tools, designed for life scientists who are not familiar with R language.
Knowledge of statistics is not necessary prior to attending the course.
Further course information, agenda and logistics can be found in the course booklet.
Seats available
15 out of 15
(Computers provided by the organisers).
10 out of 10
(Computers provided by the participants)
(Registration dead line 1st March 2013)
If you are interested, please, make the on-line registration.
Upon registration, you will receive an invoice and an official confirmation from raffaele.calogero@unito.it,
Course fees include: course materials, coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner.