Tenth Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Comparative Genomics - Niterói, Brazil
Website: www.uff.br/recombcg
Contributions to the workshop are welcomed on any theoretical and/or
empirical approach to genome-wide comparison. This includes genome
evolution, algorithms for genome rearrangement, comparative tools for
assembly, gene identification or annotation, comparison of functional
networks, genomic variation in humans and model organisms, cancer
genomics, duplication patterns of genes, segments and whole genomes,
and comparative epigenetics. We encourage paper submissions that offer
new biological findings or otherwise highlight their relevance to
biology. Refereed papers will be published as open-access manuscripts
in the journal BMC Bioinformatics.
Paper submission deadline
June 12, 2012
Acceptance notification
July 03, 2012
October 17-19, 2012 - Niterói, Brazil
- E. Virginia Armbrust (University of Washington, USA)
- Mariangela Hungria da Cunha (Embrapa, Brazil)
- J. Peter Gogarten (University of Connecticut, USA)
- Dario Grattapaglia (Embrapa, Brazil)
- J. Chris Pires (University of Missouri, USA)
The continuing advance of DNA sequencing technology has produced an
avalanche of genome sequence and genome structural information across
the evolutionary spectrum. Transforming that information into
biological knowledge requires creative and innovative new
computational and statistical methods for comparative genomics.
The RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Comparative Genomics aims to provide
the premier forum for new computational developments applied to all
aspects of comparative genomics. We solicit contributions on topics
including comparison of genome structure and organization, genome
function, and evolution. We particularly encourage contributions that
use new computational methods to acquire new insight into biological
processes. Advances in computational theory are welcome, though all
submissions should include genome-scale analyses informed by
comparative data.
All peer-reviewed and accepted RECOMB-CG manuscripts will be published
in a supplement to BMC Bioinformatics as open-access,
author-subsidized, articles.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
. Gene and genome duplication
. Gene family evolution
. Genome structural variation
. Algorithms for comparative genomics
. Genome rearrangements
. Ancestral genome reconstruction
. Multiple genome alignment
. Genome sequence comparison
. Modeling genome evolution
. Comparative genomics for genome annotation
. Gene tree reconciliation
. Species and gene tree inference
. Comparative metagenomics
. Comparative genomics linked to proteomics, metabolomics, and other ~omic data
. Comparative genomics and gene expression and regulation
. Applications of comparative genomic methods
Mathieu Blanchette (McGill University, Montréal, Canada)
Marilia D. V. Braga (Inmetro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Marie-France Sagot (Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France)
Other members:
Robert Beiko (Canada)
Anne Bergeron (Canada)
Jeremy Buhler (USA)
Cedric Chauve (Canada)
Aaron Darling (USA)
Zanoni Dias (Brazil)
Nadia El-Mabrouk (Canada)
Des Higgins (Ireland)
Janet Kelso (Germany)
Gerton Lunter (England)
Eric Lyons (USA)
Alejandro Maas (Chile)
João Meidanis (Brazil)
Bernard Moret (Switzerland)
Guilherme Oliveira (Brazil)
Aida Ouangraoua (France)
Benedict Paten (USA)
Ian Paulsen (Australia)
Teresa Przytycka (USA)
Nicholas Putnam (USA)
Hugues Roest-Crollius (France)
Cathal Seoighe (Ireland)
João Setubal (Brazil)
Jens Stoye (Germany)
Krister Swenson (Canada)
Eric Tannier (France)
Glenn Tesler (USA)
Elisabeth Tillier (Canada)
Todd Treangen (USA)
Louxin Zhang (Singapore)
Contributions to the workshop are welcomed on any theoretical and/or
empirical approach to genome-wide comparison. This includes genome
evolution, algorithms for genome rearrangement, comparative tools for
assembly, gene identification or annotation, comparison of functional
networks, genomic variation in humans and model organisms, cancer
genomics, duplication patterns of genes, segments and whole genomes,
and comparative epigenetics. We encourage paper submissions that offer
new biological findings or otherwise highlight their relevance to
biology. Refereed papers will be published as open-access manuscripts
in the journal BMC Bioinformatics.
Paper submission deadline
June 12, 2012
Acceptance notification
July 03, 2012
October 17-19, 2012 - Niterói, Brazil
- E. Virginia Armbrust (University of Washington, USA)
- Mariangela Hungria da Cunha (Embrapa, Brazil)
- J. Peter Gogarten (University of Connecticut, USA)
- Dario Grattapaglia (Embrapa, Brazil)
- J. Chris Pires (University of Missouri, USA)
The continuing advance of DNA sequencing technology has produced an
avalanche of genome sequence and genome structural information across
the evolutionary spectrum. Transforming that information into
biological knowledge requires creative and innovative new
computational and statistical methods for comparative genomics.
The RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Comparative Genomics aims to provide
the premier forum for new computational developments applied to all
aspects of comparative genomics. We solicit contributions on topics
including comparison of genome structure and organization, genome
function, and evolution. We particularly encourage contributions that
use new computational methods to acquire new insight into biological
processes. Advances in computational theory are welcome, though all
submissions should include genome-scale analyses informed by
comparative data.
All peer-reviewed and accepted RECOMB-CG manuscripts will be published
in a supplement to BMC Bioinformatics as open-access,
author-subsidized, articles.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
. Gene and genome duplication
. Gene family evolution
. Genome structural variation
. Algorithms for comparative genomics
. Genome rearrangements
. Ancestral genome reconstruction
. Multiple genome alignment
. Genome sequence comparison
. Modeling genome evolution
. Comparative genomics for genome annotation
. Gene tree reconciliation
. Species and gene tree inference
. Comparative metagenomics
. Comparative genomics linked to proteomics, metabolomics, and other ~omic data
. Comparative genomics and gene expression and regulation
. Applications of comparative genomic methods
Mathieu Blanchette (McGill University, Montréal, Canada)
Marilia D. V. Braga (Inmetro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Marie-France Sagot (Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France)
Other members:
Robert Beiko (Canada)
Anne Bergeron (Canada)
Jeremy Buhler (USA)
Cedric Chauve (Canada)
Aaron Darling (USA)
Zanoni Dias (Brazil)
Nadia El-Mabrouk (Canada)
Des Higgins (Ireland)
Janet Kelso (Germany)
Gerton Lunter (England)
Eric Lyons (USA)
Alejandro Maas (Chile)
João Meidanis (Brazil)
Bernard Moret (Switzerland)
Guilherme Oliveira (Brazil)
Aida Ouangraoua (France)
Benedict Paten (USA)
Ian Paulsen (Australia)
Teresa Przytycka (USA)
Nicholas Putnam (USA)
Hugues Roest-Crollius (France)
Cathal Seoighe (Ireland)
João Setubal (Brazil)
Jens Stoye (Germany)
Krister Swenson (Canada)
Eric Tannier (France)
Glenn Tesler (USA)
Elisabeth Tillier (Canada)
Todd Treangen (USA)
Louxin Zhang (Singapore)