European Student Council Symposium 2012 - Basel - Switzerland
 The European Student Council Symposium will be held on September 8th
during one of the Tutorials/Workshop Days of ECCB 2012 in Basel,
Switzerland. It aims at bringing together young computational biologists
from all research areas and regions of the world. As the central part of
our symposium, 8 student presentations will be selected from the
submitted abstracts. This is your chance to present your work! We accept
abstracts covering both scientific studies as well as novel tools and
applications in the field of computational biology and bioinformatics.
All submitters are invited to bring a poster showcasing their work for
inclusion in the F1000 repository.

Travel Fellowships are available for everyone submitting to ESCS2012 and
will be handled by ECCB12 organization. Awards will be given to best
posters and presentations.

General information:

Pedro Lopes, Chair
Florian Heer, Co-chair