4th StatSeq Workshop - Verona, Italy
The StatSeq TD0801 COST Action on the statistical challenges from next-generation sequencing has organized a workshop in Verona which will be held on the 18th and 19th April 2012 in Verona, Italy.
You are cordially invited!
Registration deadline is April 13th. Please vitis the meeting pages at http://ddlab.sci.univr.it/statseq for more informations. You can find a copy of the final program here.
Confirmed list of Invited Speakers:
* Michele Morgante, University of Udine: "NGS applications in plants"
* Dan Bolser , Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridgeshire, UK "transPLANT, developing a trans-National infrastructure for Plant Genomic Science"
* Maria Colome-Tatche, Groningen University "Genome-wide methods for the study of DNA-methylation inheritance"
* Lauren McIntyre, University of Florida: "Variability in RNA-seq: design and modelling"
* Jonathan Marchini, Oxford University: "Haplotype estimation and imputation using low-coverage sequence data"
* Jeff Glaubitz, Cornell University: "Genotyping by sequencing in maize"
* Mark A. DePristo, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge "Under the hood of the 1000 Genomes Project"