Call for papers
The 8th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (‹‚GRSSB-2012) [Novosibirsk, Russia, June 25-29, 2012]
This year BGRS/SB-2012 conference will be held in the frames of multi-conference (see )
BGRS/SB-2012 Conference concerns bioinformatics and systems biology. The principal task of systems biology is integrated experimental and computer-assisted investigation of the organization and functions of biologic systems at the molecular, cell, tissue, organ, and body level on the basis of the information encoded in genomes. The Conference will feature high-level experts in the fields.
BGRSSB is a biennial event held since 1998 by the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This conference has biologists, computer scientists, physicists, mathematicians and chemists working on an interdisciplinary basis in systems biology and genetics come to Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. The previous event, BGRSSB-2010, hosted 300 scientists, post-graduate students and engineers from 160 research organizations, universities and companies.
The BGRSSB-2012 program will include the following scientific sessions:
1. New methods of high-throughput sequencing and data analysis
2. Bioinformatics and systems biology of gene expression regulation
3. Computational inference of networks from high-throughput experimental data
4. Gene function discovery and search for new pharmaceutical targets
5. Integrative Bioinformatics and Intelligent Knowledge Discovery/Management
6. Evolutionary bioinformatics
7. Computer biology of development
8. Gene networks modeling
9. Supercomputer applications in bioinformatics
Important dates
Deadline for registration and for abstract submission: April 06, 2012
Notification of acceptance: May 4, 2012
Conference Dates: June 25-29, 2012
Young Scientist's School˛"Bioinformatics and System Biology": June 30 ˆ July 01, 2012
Eminent scientists will lecture on modern topics in bioinformatics, systems biology and mathematical modeling of gene regulatory networks. The Schoolâ•˙s program will include oral presentations by young scientists, post-graduate students and students, of which the best will be nominated.
The Conference will take place in the House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Registration fee for the ‹‚GRSSB-2012 conference and School for young scientists.
Please note early bird rate before 04 May.
For participants from Russia:
For international participants:
Please indicate the payment destination ╲BGRSSB-2012 Registration fee from (your full name)╡
After the registration fee payment please send us scanned copy of the payment document (the check) to the Organizing committee address
To prepare the payment documents (agreement) on behalf of the institute please contact
Official address of the Organizing committee of the
All questions relatively visa application, please contact the Head of the International Office:
Galina Kiseleva. ܢܵl. +7(383) 363-4987 (*1338)
All questions relatively Young Scientists˙School "Bioinformatics and System Biology", please contact the Chairperson of Organizing committee Young Scientist School: Victoria Mironova ܢܵl. +7 (383) 363-4922 (*3408)
All questions regarding hotels and accommodation:
For more information and registration, please visit the BGRSSB-2012 official website at
The International Conference on the Postgenomic Technology for Biomedicine (PTB-2012) [June 25-29, 2012]
This Conference, organized by the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will be held in parallel with BGRSSB-2012. PTB-2012 concerns cutting-edge postgenomic experimental technologies and their uses in biomedicine. Special focus will be given to studies that use modern high-throughput technologies in DNA sequencing and mass spectrometry. Other topics in focus concern cell biology, synthetic biology and bionanotechnology.
The PTB-2012 program will include the following scientific sessions:
1. High-throughput approaches to sequencing in biology and medicine
2. Synthetic biology (DNA and RNA synthesis, genome construction technologies)
3. Bionanotechnology for diagnosis and therapy
4. Therapeutic proteins and nucleic acids
5. Cell technologies in medicine. Stem cells.
The Young Scientists School "Modern High-Throughput Technologies in Nucleic Acid Sequencing" [June 23-24, 2012]
Modern high-throughput technologies in DNA sequencing will be explained in details. Additionally, an excursion will be made to the SB RAS Genomics Core Facility for the participants to witness how it all works.
Venue is the same: House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia.
For more information and registration, please visit the PTB-2012 official website at <>
The Multiconference titled "New Biology" BGRS/SB & PTB
The BGRS/SB-2012 and PTB-2012 Conferences to be held in parallel will form part of the Multiconference titled ╲New Biology╡. The Multiconference will puts together bioinformatics and experimental approaches in biological systems and processes. For the Multiconferenceâ•˙s scheme, please visit the Multiconference official site at
Paying the registration fee for one of the Conferences (BGRSSB-2012 or PTB Œ2012) entitles the participant to attend all the scientific sessions of the both.
In addition to the respective BGRSSB-2012 and PTB-2012 programs, the Multiconference program will include the following BGRSSB-2012 & PTB-2012 joint microsymposia and sessions:
* Human genetics and personalized medicine: theoretical and experimental aspects
* Genetic diversity of laboratory animals in addressing fundamental and applied problems in postgenomic biology
* Skolkovo: biology and innovations
* Computational and experimental proteomics: achievements and challenges
BGRS Organizing Committee,,