ICCS 2012 Workshop on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges to Computer Science
CALL FOR PAPERS The Workshop will bring together scientists from computer and life sciences to discuss future directions of bioinformatics algorithms, applications, and data management. Questions to be looked at are whether wrapping existing algorithms, as Grid or Web service will be sufficient to cope with the more complex applications and the increasing volume of data to be processed or which applications would profit from being redeveloped as native parallel or distributed application. Furthermore, the use of novel parallel architectures and dedicated hardware to implement bioinformatics and biomedical algorithms will be discussed. TOPICS OF INTEREST The workshop is seeking original research papers presenting innovative solutions from parallel, distributed and Grid computing applied to bioinformatics algorithms, medical informatics and life sciences applications. IMPORTANT DATES Full papers submission: EXTENDED February 6, 2012 Notification of acceptance: EXTENDED February 20, 2012 Camera ready papers: March 1, 2012 Early registration opens: February 15, 2012 Early registration closes: April 15, 2012 Tutorials, wellcome reception: June 3, 2012 Conference/Workshop sessions: Monday June 4 - Wednesday June 6, 2012