24th European Medical Informatics Conference - MIE2012 - in Pisa, August 26th -29th, 2012
Call for submissions
We invite you to submit a broad range of contributions related to the latest achievements in eHealth, biomedical and health informatics. The specific focus for the MIE2012 conference is the various roles of eHealth in pursuing benefits seen in quality of life for patients, health-care personnel, citizens and the society.
We encourage you to submit a contribution about methodologies and applications, successful stories or lessons learned from not so successful projects in the health-care domain.
The MIE2012 Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) invites you to submit contributions in form of:
- Full papers
- Posters
- Panels
- Workshops
- Short communications
- Tutorials
Moreover the MIE2012 'Village of the Future' invites proposals for presentation of national, regional and European projects and initiatives demonstrating quality improvements in the form of materialized project ideas and innovations. The SPC encourages project leaders from both research institutions and companies to send proposals for active participation.
Each type of submission is described at the conference web site http://www.mie2012.it/. Please observe that an individual can act as submitting author for only one contribution within each specific submission type.
More details are available at the conference web site http://www.mie2012.it/.