ISBRA 2012 - 1st Call for Papers


                             CALL FOR PAPERS

  8th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications

                      May 21-23, 2012, Dallas,Texas




The International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and results among researchers, developers, and practitioners working on all aspects of bioinformatics and computational biology and their applications. Submissions presenting original research are solicited in all areas of bioinformatics and computational biology, including the development of experimental or commercial systems. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:


* Biomedical databases and data integration

* Biomolecular imaging

* Bio-ontologies

* Comparative genomics

* Computational genetic epidemiology

* Computational proteomics

* Data mining and visualization

* Gene expression analysis

* Genome analysis

* High-performance bio-computing

* High-throughput sequencing data analysis

* Molecular evolution

* Molecular modeling and simulation

* Pattern discovery and classification

* Population genetics

* Software tools and applications

* Structural biology

* Systems biology


We seek two categories of submissions: extended abstracts of up to 12 pages in Springer LNCS format, and short abstracts of up to 4 pages. Both types of submissions must be made electronically by following the instructions at Submission implies willingness of at least one author to register and present at the symposium.


Accepted extended abstracts will be published prior to the symposium in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics series and presented orally at the symposium.  Accepted short abstracts will be published online and on CD-ROM and selected for either oral or poster presentation.  As in previous years, full versions of selected extended abstracts presented at the symposium will be invited to a peer-reviewed special issue of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.  The authors of remaining extended and short abstracts will be invited to submit full versions to a peer-reviewed volume to be published after the symposium in BMC Bioinformatics.



                           Extended Abstracts   Short Abstracts

                               (12 pages)         (4 pages)


Submission deadline          February 6, 2012     April 9, 2012


Notification of acceptance   March 5, 2012        April 16, 2012


Final version due            March 15, 2012       April 23, 2012





Dan Gusfield (UC Davis)

Ion Mandoiu (UConn)

Yi Pan (GSU), Chair Marie-France Sagot (INRIA)

Alexander Zelikovsky (GSU)




Ovidiu Daescu (UT Dallas)

Raj Sunderraman (GSU)




Leonidas Bleris (UT Dallas)

Ion Mandoiu (UConn)

Russell Schwartz (Carnegie Mellon)

Jianxin Wang (Central South Univ.)




Srinivas Aluru

Danny Barash

Robert Beiko

Anne Bergeron

Daniel Berrar

Paola Bonizzoni

Daniel Brown

Doina Caragea

Tien-Hao Chang

Chien-Yu Chen

Matteo Comin

Bhaskar Dasgupta

Douglas Densmore

Oliver Eulenstein

Guillaume Fertin

Vladimir Filkov

Jean Gao

Katia Guimaraes

Jiong Guo

Robert Harrison

Jieyue He

Steffen Heber

Jinling Huang

Lars Kaderali

Iyad Kanj

Yury Khudyakov

Danny Krizanc

Jing Li

Fenglou Mao

Osamu Maruyama

Li Min

Axel Mosig

Giri Narasimhan

Yi Pan

Laxmi Parida

Bogdan Pasaniuc

Andrei Paun

Itsik Pe'Er

Weiqun Peng

Nadia Pisanti

Maria Poptsova

Teresa Przytycka

Shoba Ranganathan

S. Cenk Sahinalp

Daniel Schwartz

Joao Setubal

Ileana Streinu

Wing-Kin Sung

Sing-Hoi Sze

Ilias Tagkopoulos

Gabriel Valiente

Stéphane Vialette

Li-San Wang

Lusheng Wang

Xiaowo Wang

Fangxiang Wu

Yufeng Wu

Zhen Xie

Zhenyu Xuan

Fa Zhang

Yanqing Zhang

Leming Zhou