ICCABS 2012 - 2nd Call for Papers


                           CALL FOR PAPERS


                  2nd IEEE International Conference on

       Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS)


                  Feb. 23-25, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada




Advances in high-throughput technologies such as DNA sequencing and mass spectrometry are profoundly transforming life sciences, resulting in the collection of unprecedented amounts of biological and medical data. Using this data to advance our knowledge about fundamental biological processes and improve human health requires novel computational models and advanced analysis algorithms.  IEEE ICCABS aims to bring together leading academic and industry researchers to discuss the latest advances in computational methods for bio and medical sciences.





Topics of interest include but are not limited to:


* Biological modeling and simulation: Molecular and cellular modeling,

 stochastic and rule-based modeling, modeling languages and systems


* Biomedical image processing: Image segmentation and classification,

 visualization, functional and molecular imaging


* Biomedical data and literature mining: Data integration, knowledge

 discovery from electronic medical records and scientific literature


* Computational genetic epidemiology: Linkage and association analysis,

 gene-gene and gene-environment interaction modeling, genetic risk



* Computational metabolomics: Metabolomics databases, metabolite

 identification, spectral analysis, metabolic network modeling


* Computational proteomics: Peptide identification and quantification,

 post-translational modifications, protein-protein interactions


* Databases and ontologies: Biomedical data warehouses, database

 integration, biomedical ontologies and semantic web services


* Gene regulation: Regulatory motifs and modules, post-transcriptional

 regulation, regulatory networks


* Genome analysis: Genome assembly, genome annotation, comparative

 genomics, metagenomics


* Health Informatics: Medical data management and privacy, medical

 recommender systems, therapy optimization


* High-performance bio-computing: Cloud and grid computing, advanced

 multi-core, GPU, and FPGA biomedical applications


* Immunoinformatics: Epitope prediction, vaccine design, immune system



* Molecular evolution: Models of evolution, reconstruction of

 phylogenetic trees and networks, comparative genomics


* Population genomics: Haplotype and recombination analysis, structural

 genomic variation, signatures of natural selection


* Sequence analysis: Multiple sequence alignment, motif discovery,

 sequence search and clustering


* Structural bioinformatics: RNA and protein structure prediction and

 classification, molecular docking, RNA and protein design


* Systems biology: Systems approaches to molecular biology, multi-scale

 modeling, biological networks, synthetic biology


* Transcriptomics: Microarray and sequencing-based transcriptome

 profiling, novel transcript discovery, alternative splicing,

 non-coding RNA analysis





Authors are invited to electronically submit extended abstracts in PDF format by following the instructions at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccabs12.  Submissions should be prepared using IEEE Computer Society's Word/LaTeX templates available at http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting and should not exceed 6 pages in length.  Accepted abstracts will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.  Special issues of journals on selected extended abstracts are under negotiation. A limited number of student travel awards will be made (conditional upon NSF support).





We expect to have three keynote speeches and 10 invited speeches





Abstract submission:        Dec. 22, 2011

Notification of acceptance: Jan. 25, 2012

Camera-ready version and

author registration:        Feb. 2, 2012





Srinivas Aluru (Iowa State U.)

Reda A. Ammar (U. of Connecticut)

Tao Jiang (U.C. Riverside)

Vipin Kumar (U. of Minnesota)

Ming Li (U. of Waterloo)

S. Rajasekaran (U. of Connecticut), Chair

John Reif (Duke University)

Sartaj Sahni (U. of Florida)




Sorin Istrail (Brown University)

S. Rajasekaran (U. of Connecticut)





Irina Astrovskaya

David A. Bader

Daniel Brown, University of Waterloo

Titus Brown

Doina Caragea

Kun-Mao Chao

Matthias Chung

Matteo Comin, University of Padova

Juan Cui

Ovidiu Daescu

Bhaskar Dasgupta, University of Illinois at Chicago

Jorge Duitama

Richard Edwards

Scott Emrich

Oliver Eulenstein

Guillaume Fertin, University of Nantes

Vladimir Filkov

Liliana Florea

Martin Frith

Osamu Gotoh

Katia Guimaraes

Robert Harrison

Matthew He

Steffen Heber

Manuela Helmer-Citterich, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Yongsheng Huang

Hasan Jamil

Lars Kaderali

Ananth Kalyanaraman

Yury Khudyakov

Henry Lin

Stefano Lonardi, University of California, Riverside

Bin Ma

Ion Mandoiu, U. of Connecticut, co-chair

Leonardo Marino-Ramirez

Niranjan Nagarajan

Radhakrishnan Nagarajan

Bogdan Pasaniuc

Andrei Paun

Nadia Pisanti, University of Pisa

Mihai Pop, University of Maryland, co-chair

Teresa Przytycka, NCBI/NIH

Sanguthevar Rajasekaran

Ben Raphael

Daniel Schwartz

Russell Schwartz

Joao Setubal, University of Sao Paulo

John Spouge, NCBI/NIH, co-chair

Ileana Streinu

Raj Sunderraman

Wing-Kin Sung

Vishal Thapar

Kannan Tharakaraman

Jerzy Tiuryn

Todd Treangen

Ugo Vaccaro, University of Salerno

Matthew Vaughn

Jianxin Wang

Li-San Wang

Fang Xiang Wu

Yuzhen Ye

Yanbin Yin

Shaojie Zhang





Reda A. Ammar (U. of Connecticut)




Martin Schiller (U. of Nevada LV)