16th ACM Annual International Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology --- RECOMB 2012
21-24 April 2012, Barcelona, Spain,
The 16th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2012) will be held in Barcelona on April 21-24, 2012.
RECOMB 2012 will provide a general forum for disseminating the latest
research in bioinformatics and computational biology. As a
multidisciplinary conference, it brings together academic and industrial scientists from molecular biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics, and statistics. Papers reporting on original research (both theoretical and experimental) in all areas of computational molecular biology are sought. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Molecular sequence analysis
Recognition of genes and regulatory elements
Molecular evolution
Gene expression
Biological networks
Sequencing and genotyping technologies
Population, statistical genetics
Systems biology
Computational proteomics
Molecular structural biology
Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously
unpublished work. The Program Committee will rigorously review
submitted abstracts. Selected papers will be accepted for presentation
at the conference. Accepted abstracts will be published as a proceedings volume in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) series from Springer-Verlag, which will be available at the conference. RECOMB is partnering with the Journal of Computational Biology. Select accepted
papers will be invited, but not required, to submit an edited journal
version for a special issue of JCB. Finally, RECOMB will also have a
highlights track featuring presentations of exciting recent developments that have already appeared in journals within the past year.
Parallel Submission:
Parallel submission to RECOMB and to a journal is allowed. Authors who
wish to publish the edited manuscript elsewhere must clearly indicate
this at the time of submission to RECOMB, and submit a complete
manuscript for review. If accepted for oral presentation at RECOMB, they will submit a final two-page extended abstract for inclusion in the LNBI proceedings in lieu of the full paper.
Manuscript preparation:
A manuscript should start with a succinct statement of the problem, the
results achieved, their significance, and a comparison with previous
work. This material should be understandable to non-specialists. To
assist in the refereeing process, a short list of one to three topics
(preferably, but not limited to the list above) should appear at the
bottom of the front page. A technical exposition directed to the
specialist should follow. The length, excluding cover page and
bibliography, should not exceed 10 pages. The manuscript should be easy
to read, using at least 11 point font size on U.S. standard 8 1/2 by 11
inch paper with no less than one inch margin all around. If the authors
believe that more details are absolutely necessary to substantiate the
claims of the paper, they may include a clearly marked appendix, which
might be read at the discretion of the reviewers. An email address for
the contact author should be included. Manuscripts that deviate
significantly from these guidelines risk rejection without consideration
of their merits.
Manuscripts can be submitted through:
For submissions published in the RECOMB proceedings volume, detailed
formatting instructions are at the Springer-Verlag site, under
"Information for LNCS Authors," at:
Paper submission procedures and notification:
Submission of papers to RECOMB2012 will be through the EasyChair
conference system, following the link from the conference web page. The
submission system will be open starting September 13th, 2011 and ending
October 28th, 2011. For full details, please see the submissions link at
the conference website.
The Program Committee, chaired by Benny Chor (Tel-Aviv /university),
will referee the conference submissions. Authors will be notified of
acceptance or rejection by email on or before December 19th, 2011. We
request that an author of each accepted paper provides LaTeX files or an MS Word file in the special format for Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics by January 20, 2012.
An author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the conference
and present the paper; otherwise, alternative arrangements should be
made to have the paper presented.
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Tatsuya AKUTSU, U. Kyoto, Japan
Rolf BACKOFEN, U. Freiburg, Germany
Vikas BANSAL, Scripps Institute, USA
Mathieu BLANCHETTE, McGill U., Canada
Elhanan BORENSTEIN, U. Washington, USA
Michael BRUDNO, U. Toronto, Canada
Benny CHOR, Tel-Aviv U., Israel
Lenore COWEN, Tufts U., USA
Bjarni HALLDORSSON, Reykjavik U., Iceland
Eran HALPERIN, Tel Aviv U., Israel
Alexander HARTEMINK, Duke U., USA
Barbara HOLLAND, U. Tasmania, Australia
Katharina HUBER, U. East Anglia, UK
Daniel HUSON, U. Tübingen, Germany
Sorin ISTRAIL, Brown U., USA
Mehmet KOYUTURK, Case Western Reserve U., USA
Thomas LENGAUER, MPI-Saarbrucken, Germany
Michal LINIAL, Hebrew U., Israel
Navodit MISRA, MPI-Berlin, Germany
Satoru MIYANO, U. Tokyo, Japan
Luay NAKHLEH, Rice U., USA
William Stafford NOBLE, U. Washington, USA
Nadia PISANTI, U. Pisa, Italy
Mark A. RAGAN, U. Queensland, Australia
Ben RAPHAEL, Brown U., USA
Knut REINERT, Freie U. Berlin, Germany
Marie-France SAGOT, Inria Rhone-Alpes, France
S. Cenk SAHINALP, Simon Fraser U., Canada
David SANKOFF, U. Ottawa, Canada
Russell SCHWARTZ, Carnegie Mellon U., USA
Charles SEMPLE, U. Canterbury, New Zealand
Ron SHAMIR, Tel Aviv U., Israel
Mona SINGH, Princeton U., USA
Sagi SNIR, U. Haifa, Israel
Jens STOYE, U. Bielefeld, Germany
Amos TANAY, Weizmann Inst, Israel
Haixu TANG, U. Indiana, USA
Anna TRAMONTANO, U. Rome-Sapienza, Italy
Martin VINGRON, MPI-Berlin, Germany
Jerome WALDISPUHL, McGill U. Canada
Yufeng WU, U. Connecticut, USA
Jinbo XU, Toyota Technological Inst., USA
Zohar YAKHINI, Agilent Labs, Israel
Michal ZIV-UKELSON, Ben Gurion U., Israel