NGS Workshop - Third Edition, 12-14 October 2011 (Bari)
About the Workshop The workshop aims to provide an up-to-date overview of latest applications of ultra-high throughput sequencing platforms and of new strategies for the analysis of NGS data. Research progresses in the field will be presented by invited keynote speakers and by a series of selected speakers amongst the one who will submit an abstract in the following topics: * Strategies for mapping NGS reads to reference sequences * Genome de novo sequencing, re-sequencing, and assembly * SNP discovery, RNA editing and genome methylation * RNA-Seq analysis for estimating expression profiles and alternative splicing pattern * Small RNA discovery and characterization * Chip-seq data analysis * Metagenomics Tutorial A tutorial will be hold on 12 October 2011 by Massimiliano Gentile, EMBnet Node in Finland, on the use of Chipster 2.0 for analysis of ChIP-seq data and other nextgen sequencing applications. Registration is free of charge. Due to the limitations in the maximum number of participants for the tutorial session (maximum 25), all applicants wishing to attend the tutorial should send a short CV. The Workshop scientific committee will select the candidates admitted to the tutorial within 25/9/2011. More information on workshop venue, registration fee and workshop program are available at the workshop web site. Registration: