NGS workshop, Second Edition - deadlines extension

NGS workshop, Second Edition

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods are revolutionizing genomic and functional-genomics research. However, the manipulation and interpretation of the millions of sequences produced by a typical experiment still present significant computational challenges.

To provide an up-to-date overview of the latest applications of ultra-high throughput sequencing platforms and as well as the different NGS data analysis strategies for genomic sequencing, transcriptome analysis, ChIP-Seq, Metagenomics and others, we have organized the second edition of the Bari NGS international workshop.

Topics will include but will not be limited to:

• Strategies for mapping NGS reads to reference sequences

• Genome de novo sequencing, re-sequencing, and assembly

• SNP discovery, RNA editing and genome methylation

• RNA-Seq analysis for estimating expression profiles and alternative splicing pattern

• Small RNA discovery and characterization

• Chip-seq data analysis

• Metagenomics

The Workshop will include keynote lectures, oral presentations of selected abstracts, and a Poster session.

The Registration form is available here. To submit an abstract please fill up this form