4th International Biocuration Conference
- August 23, 2010: The International Society for Biocuration would like to encourage students and new curators (with less than 5 years of experience) to attend the Biocuration 2010 conference. The ISB will sponsor the registration fees for 5 students and 5 curators. To apply, please send a request to the ISB before September 6th 2010, including the abstract of your presentation, to the International Society for Biocurationintsocbio@gmail.
* Note that you must be an ISB member to apply for sponsorship. If you are not already a member, follow this link to Join the ISB - August 19, 2010: 4th International Biocuration Conference
- The abstract submission deadline has been extended to August 31, 2010. [abstract submission form]
- Early bird registration deadline is September 6th, 2010.
Topics include: Text Mining, Literature Curation, Ontologies, Genome Sequence Annotation, Comparative Genomics, Functional Genomics, Crop/Plant Genome Curation, Community Curation, Data Standardization and Integration, Curation Tools/Workflows, Data Visualization, Journal/Database Interactions and Collaborations, Next Generation Sequence Annotation, and Next Generation Curation. - August 18, 2010: Minutes from the August 2010 ISB Executive Committee meeting have been posted.
- July 29, 2010: The ISB Nominating committee is now accepting candidates for the 2010 Election of the ISB Executive committee. More information about the election process is available here: ISB Election 2010.
- Social bookmarking of papers. We would like to collect an exhaustive list of papers on biocuration. To do this, please help us keep the Biocuration-related Connotea tags up to date: