MLSB 2010 - Call for papers
************************** Call for Papers **************************
MLSB 2010
Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology
15-16 October 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland
The Workshop is organized as "core - event" of Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning - Network of
Excellence 2 (PASCAL 2, <
The workshop will take place 15-16 October 2010 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre and the Informatics Forum of the
University of Edinburgh. It will be part of the wokshop program of ICSB 2010, The 11th International Conference on Systems Biology
(11-14 OCT 2010,
We invite you to submit an extended abstract of up to 4 pages describing new or recently published (2010) results, formatted
according to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science style. Each extended abstract must be submitted online via the
Easychair submission system:
The extended abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific programme committee. They will be selected for oral or poster presentation
according to their originality and relevance to the workshop topics.
Electronic versions of the extended abstracts will be accessible to the participants prior to the conference, distributed in hardcopy
form to participants at the conference, and will be made publicly available on the conference web site after the conference.
However, the book of abstracts will not be published and the extended abstracts will not constitute a formal publication.
We expect that authors of selected contributions will be invited to submit full papers to special issues of high-ranking
Machine Learning/Systems Biology journals.
15 May: Submission site open
25 June: deadline for submission of extended abstracts
25 July: notification of acceptance
15-16 October: workshop
A non-exhaustive list of topics suitable for this workshop is given below:
Machine learning algorithms
Bayesian methods
Data integration/fusion
Feature/subspace selection
Biclustering/association rules
Kernel methods
Probabilistic inference
Structured output prediction
Systems identification
Graph inference, completion, smoothing
Semi-supervised learning
Sequence annotation
Gene expression and post-transcriptional regulation
Inference of gene regulation networks
Gene prediction and whole genome association studies
Metabolic pathway modeling
Signaling networks
Systems biology approaches to biomarker identification
Rational drug design methods
Metabolic reconstruction
Protein function and structure prediction
Protein-protein interaction networks
Synthetic biology
Florence d'Alche Buc, Universite d'Evry-Val d'Essonne, Evry, France
Nir Friedman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Ursula Kummer, BIOQUANT, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Hans Lehrach, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
Vebjorn Ljosa, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA
Saöo Dûeroski, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Simon Rogers, University of Glasgow, UK
Guido Sanguinetti, University of Sheffield/University of Edinburgh, UK
Florence d'AlchÈ-Buc, University of Evry, France
Paolo Frasconi, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Cesare Furlanello, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Pierre Geurts, University of LiËge, Belgium
Mark Girolami, University of Glasgow, UK
Dirk Husmeier, Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland, UK
Samuel Kaski, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Ross D. King, Aberystwyth University, UK
Neil Lawrence, University of Manchester, UK
Elena Marchiori, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Yves Moreau, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
William Stafford Noble, University of Washington, USA
Gunnar R‰tsch, FML, Max Planck Society, T¸bingen
Juho Rousu, University of Helsinki, Finland
CÈline Rouveirol, University of Paris XIII, France
Yvan Saeys, University of Gent, Belgium
Ljupco Todorovski, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Koji Tsuda, Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen
Jean-Philippe Vert, Ecole des Mines, France
Louis Wehenkel, University of LiËge, Belgium
Jean-Daniel Zucker, University of Paris XIII, France
Blaz Zupan, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Fiona Clark, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dragi Kocev, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (webmaster)