The Xth Spanish Symposium on Bioinformatics (JBI2010)
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the "X Jornadas de Bioinformática" to be held in Málaga from 27th to 29th October 2010, organized by the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute in collaboration with the Portuguese Bioinformatics Network and hosted by the University of Malaga (Spain).
The aim is to provide a forum to present and discuss the lines of research and development of national and international groups working on Bioinformatics.
This year the conference will dedicate special attention to the area of "Bioinformatics for personalized medicine"
The Program Committee seeks contributions in the following areas (not limited to):
* Analysis of high throughput data (NGS)
* Structural Bioinformatics
* Algorithms for computational biology and HPC
* Sequence analysis, phylogenetics and evolution
* Databases, Tools and technologies for computational biology
* Bioinformatics in Transcriptomics and Proteomics
* System and Synthetic Biology
Together with a number of invited talks, this edition will also hold the 'Highlights session' where selected papers published in the previous year will be presented.
All communications will be in English.
Submissions of papers and communications will not exceed 1 page for abstracts or 4 pages for papers. Both oral and poster submissions are accepted.
Posters will be displayed during the meeting and a number of papers will be selected for oral presentation in the meeting.
Extended version of selected papers will be invited to be evaluated for publication in a journal after the meeting.
All submissions will appear in the workshop proceedings.
Submissions for the highlight session must include a short abstract describing the main interest of the paper, the PDF of the published paper and the author that will present the work.
Submission instructions and templates will be available at the website of the conference:
* Deadline for submission of papers and highlight proposals: 5th September
* Notification of acceptance: 21st September
* Deadline for submission of final paper: 28th September
* Early Registration deadline: 30th September
JBI 2010 will feature a series of tutorials the 27th October.
Proposals for tutorials, covering a specific theme (NGS, Personalized Medicine, Web Technologies etc.) and lasting about half a day are encouraged and solicited until September 5th, 2010.
* Workshop and tutorial submission deadline: 5th September
* Workshop and tutorial acceptance notification: 19th September