CfP: Machine learning and intelligent optimization in bioinformatics
Machine learning and intelligent optimization in bioinformatics
LION 3 Satellite Workshop
16 January 2009, Trento, Italy
Modern computational molecular biology is a challenging discipline
calling for highly automated approaches to efficiently deal with
complex tasks and huge sets of possible explanations. The increasing
availability of biological data from sources as diverse as gene
expression analysis, mass spectrometry, DNA sequencing and protein
structure determination provides an unprecedented opportunity for
researchers. The most recent advances in machine learning and
intelligent optimization seem to be a necessary condition to work in a
domain characterized by complex relational structures, uncertainty in
background knowledge from domain-experts, noisy and heterogeneous
sources of information, missing or ambiguous data, and highly related
and structured target concepts and tasks. Transparency is a major
concern to be traded-off and explanatory solutions are especially
appealing for the domain experts.
The main purpose of this workshop is to provide an open environment
where researchers in machine learning and optimization and molecular
biology experts can exchange ideas and discuss on successful
applications to relevant bioinformatics tasks, novel and promising
approaches to challenging open problems, and interesting
formalizations of new tasks. We aim at fostering a fruitful crossover
among the disciplines as a major and necessary step towards
significant improvements over the current state-of-the-art.
We encourage contributions on machine learning and intelligent
optimization approaches, or novel formalizations of challenging open
problems on the following not exclusive list of topics:
* Chemoinformatics
* Evolutionary analysis
* Gene expression analysis
* Gene networks
* Molecular sequence analysis
* Post-transcriptional regulation
* Protein structure and function prediction
* Regulatory, metabolic and interaction networks
* Text mining of bioinformatics literature
We accept submissions in all formats accepted by the main LION workshop:
* Original novel and unpublished work for publication in the
post-conference proceedings (max. 15 pages in Springer LNCS
* An extended abstract of work-in-progress or a position or
problem statement (max. 4 pages)
* Manuscripts that have recently been accepted for publication or
appeared within the last 6 months in a peer-reviewed journal or
which are currently under review (only for oral presentation).
Submissions will be peer reviewed by the program committee. Extended
abstracts, position/problem statements and recently accepted/published
works won't be included in the formal proceedings, in order to allow
you to freely report on your most recent and successful research. All
accepted contributions will appear in informal proceedings, to be
distributed at the workshop.
Important Dates:
* Paper submission deadline: October 31st, 2008
* Notification to authors: November 20th, 2008
* Special Session: January 16th, 2009
Workshop chair:
* Andrea Passerini, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
Program Committee (under construction):
* Florence d’Alché-Buc, Université d’Evry (France)
* Enrico Blanzieri, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
* Mauro Brunato, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
* Amanda Clare, Aberystwyth University (UK)
* Fabrizio Costa, K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
* Paolo Frasconi, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
* Jon Garibaldi, University of Nottingham (UK)
* Joshua Knowles, University of Manchester (UK)
* Pietro Liò, University of Cambridge (UK)
* Francesco Masulli, University of Genova (Italy) & Temple University (USA)
* Yves Moreau, K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
* Raymond T. Ng, University of British Columbia (Canada)
* Gianluca Pollastri, University College Dublin (Ireland)
* Marco Punta, Columbia University (USA)
* Jan Ramon, K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
* Volker Roth, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
* Giorgio Valentini, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
Machine learning and intelligent optimization in bioinformatics
LION 3 Satellite Workshop
16 January 2009, Trento, Italy
Modern computational molecular biology is a challenging discipline
calling for highly automated approaches to efficiently deal with
complex tasks and huge sets of possible explanations. The increasing
availability of biological data from sources as diverse as gene
expression analysis, mass spectrometry, DNA sequencing and protein
structure determination provides an unprecedented opportunity for
researchers. The most recent advances in machine learning and
intelligent optimization seem to be a necessary condition to work in a
domain characterized by complex relational structures, uncertainty in
background knowledge from domain-experts, noisy and heterogeneous
sources of information, missing or ambiguous data, and highly related
and structured target concepts and tasks. Transparency is a major
concern to be traded-off and explanatory solutions are especially
appealing for the domain experts.
The main purpose of this workshop is to provide an open environment
where researchers in machine learning and optimization and molecular
biology experts can exchange ideas and discuss on successful
applications to relevant bioinformatics tasks, novel and promising
approaches to challenging open problems, and interesting
formalizations of new tasks. We aim at fostering a fruitful crossover
among the disciplines as a major and necessary step towards
significant improvements over the current state-of-the-art.
We encourage contributions on machine learning and intelligent
optimization approaches, or novel formalizations of challenging open
problems on the following not exclusive list of topics:
* Chemoinformatics
* Evolutionary analysis
* Gene expression analysis
* Gene networks
* Molecular sequence analysis
* Post-transcriptional regulation
* Protein structure and function prediction
* Regulatory, metabolic and interaction networks
* Text mining of bioinformatics literature
We accept submissions in all formats accepted by the main LION workshop:
* Original novel and unpublished work for publication in the
post-conference proceedings (max. 15 pages in Springer LNCS
* An extended abstract of work-in-progress or a position or
problem statement (max. 4 pages)
* Manuscripts that have recently been accepted for publication or
appeared within the last 6 months in a peer-reviewed journal or
which are currently under review (only for oral presentation).
Submissions will be peer reviewed by the program committee. Extended
abstracts, position/problem statements and recently accepted/published
works won't be included in the formal proceedings, in order to allow
you to freely report on your most recent and successful research. All
accepted contributions will appear in informal proceedings, to be
distributed at the workshop.
Important Dates:
* Paper submission deadline: October 31st, 2008
* Notification to authors: November 20th, 2008
* Special Session: January 16th, 2009
Workshop chair:
* Andrea Passerini, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
Program Committee (under construction):
* Florence d’Alché-Buc, Université d’Evry (France)
* Enrico Blanzieri, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
* Mauro Brunato, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
* Amanda Clare, Aberystwyth University (UK)
* Fabrizio Costa, K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
* Paolo Frasconi, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
* Jon Garibaldi, University of Nottingham (UK)
* Joshua Knowles, University of Manchester (UK)
* Pietro Liò, University of Cambridge (UK)
* Francesco Masulli, University of Genova (Italy) & Temple University (USA)
* Yves Moreau, K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
* Raymond T. Ng, University of British Columbia (Canada)
* Gianluca Pollastri, University College Dublin (Ireland)
* Marco Punta, Columbia University (USA)
* Jan Ramon, K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
* Volker Roth, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
* Giorgio Valentini, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)