Biophys08: Biology and beyond
This Workshop is the fifth edition of the annual meeting of the TO61 INFN project,
open also to foreign guests.
The workshop will be held at the Castle of Arcidosso.
SIBPA (Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata) offers two scholarships of 300 euros
to support the partecipation of young researchers to the workshop. All the information to compile a request form can be found in these instructions (deadline 15/7/08).
open also to foreign guests.
The workshop will be held at the Castle of Arcidosso.
SIBPA (Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata) offers two scholarships of 300 euros
to support the partecipation of young researchers to the workshop. All the information to compile a request form can be found in these instructions (deadline 15/7/08).