CALL FOR PAPERS ********************************************************************************** Workshop on Advances in High-Performance Bioinformatics, Systems Biology Turin, Italy -- August 27-28, 2018 (co-located with Euro-Par 2018) **********************************************************************************
The computational approach to biology is dealing with an enormous availability of data and an extreme complexity in the modelling and analysis of life systems. Both these issues make the scaling-up promise of High Performance Computing extremely appealing.
Currently, the possibility of parallelising algorithms and analysis techniques exploiting the various HPC emerging frameworks is receiving a lot of interest. Examples include the porting of legacy applications to clusters, e.g. those for genome analysis, and the use of distributed technologies, cloud computing, on-chip supercomputing, GPGPUs, and massively parallel architectures for the treatment of high-throughput data-sets (e.g. Xeon Phi implementations).
The workshop intent is to offer an opportunity to express and confront views on HPC trends, challenges, and state-of-the art in several application fields of Computational and Systems biology.
Examples of topics of interest include, but are not limited to, HPC experiences in:
- Algorithms for genomics and proteomics
- DNA assembly and mapping
- Bio-Molecular sequence analysis
- Gene identification and annotation
- SNP analysis and classification
- Differential gene expression analysis and clustering techniques
- Phylogeny reconstruction algorithms
- Biological databases for big data management
- Modelling and simulation of biological systems
- Automated verification in Computational Biology
- Virtual labs and experiments
- HPC-based approaches in Synthetic Biology
- DNA-based biological circuits simulations
- Modelling of structural protein properties
- Parallel architectures for Computational Biology
- System infrastructure for high throughput analysis
Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2018
Camera-ready submission: June 31, 2018
Workshop date: August 27-28, 2018
Submission Guidelines
Submissions in PDF format should be between 10–12 pages in the Springer LNCS style, which can be downloaded from the Springer Web site. The 12 pages limit is a hard limit while the minimum bound of 10 pages is needed to see the paper published in the formal Springer proceedings. It includes everything (text, figures, references) and will be strictly enforced by the submission system. Complete LaTeX sources must be provided for accepted papers. All submitted research papers will be peer-reviewed. Only contributions that are not submitted elsewhere or currently under review will be considered. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings, published by Springer in the ARCoSS/LNCS series. Authors of accepted papers will have to sign a Springer copyright form.
Program Co-Chairs
Marco Beccuti Dep. Computer Science, University of Turin, Italy
Francesca Cordero Dep. Computer Science, University of Turin, Italy
Pietro Lio' Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Ivan Merelli Istituto di Tecnologie Biomediche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy