A workshop titled: “The Pendulum of Life: a multidisciplinary workshop on the role of oscillatory patterns in contemporary biology”, will be held on May the 12th at IRCSS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza - Istituto Mendel, Viale Regina Margherita 261, Rome.
The workshop will try to approach the study of oscillatory patterns in molecular biology through a multifaceted approach: from mathematics to medical sciences.
Invited Speakers:
- Paolo Ballarini, Maître de Conference, Laboratoire MICS, CentraleSupélec, paolo.ballarini@centralesupelec.fr
- Paul-Henry Cournède, Professeur et Directeur du Laboratoire MICS, CentraleSupélec, paul-henry.cournede@centralesupelec.fr
This event is funded by the Institut Français in an effort to promote collaboration among French and Italian institutions.
Due to the limited amount of seats available, interested attendants should send an e-mail to Adriano Zambelli (a.zambelli@css-mendel.it) in order to reserve their place.
Full programme and details will be sent soon