CFP: ISBRA2016 (12th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications)
 Subject: [Computational-biology] CFP: ISBRA2016 (12th International
Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications)

12th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications
June 5-8, 2016, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus

The International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications
(ISBRA) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and results among
researchers, developers, and practitioners working on all aspects of
bioinformatics and computational biology and their applications.
Submissions presenting original research are solicited in all areas of
bioinformatics and computational biology, including the development of
experimental or commercial systems. Topics of interest include but are
not limited to:
- Biomarker discovery
- Biomedical databases and data integration
- Biomedical text mining and ontologies
- Biomolecular imaging
- Comparative genomics
- Computational genetic epidemiology
- Computational proteomics
- Data mining and visualization
- Gene expression analysis
- Genome analysis
- Systems biology
- High-performance bio-computing
- Metagenomics
- Molecular evolution
- Molecular modeling and simulation
- Next-generation sequencing data analysis
- Pattern discovery and classification
- Population genetics
- Software tools and applications
- Structural biology

abstracts (up to 12 pages in Springer LNCS format) via the online
submission system
Submission implies willingness of at least one author to register and
present at the symposium. The authors should choose one of the following
Track 1: Publication of the extended abstract in the Springer LNBI
proceedings and invitation to submit a 30-50%-extended version to
ISBRA'15 special issues of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational
Biology and Bioinformatics or International Journal of Bioinformatics
Research and Applications.
Track 2: Publication of an abridged two-page abstract in the Springer
LNBI proceedings and invitation to submit a full-length paper to
ISBRA'15 special issues of BMC Bioinformatics or BMC Genomics.

- Submission deadline- February 15, 2016
- Notification of acceptance- March 15, 2016
- Final version due- March 31, 2016

Steering Committee
- Dan Gusfield (UC Davis)
- Ion Mandoiu (UConn)
- Yi Pan (GSU), Chair
- Marie-France Sagot (INRIA)
- Ying Xu (UGA)
- Alex Zelikovsky (GSU)

General Chairs
- Sergei V. Ablameyko (BSU)
- Bernard Moret (EPFL)
- Alexander V. Tuzikov (UIIP)

Program Chairs
- Anu Bourgeois (GSU)
- Pavel Skums (CDC)
- Xiang Wang (HKBU)
- Alex Zelikovsky (GSU)

Finance Chairs
- Yury M. Metelsky (BSU)
- Alex Zelikovsky (GSU)

Publications Chair
- Igor E.Tom (UIIP)

Local Arrangements Chair
- Dmitry G. Medvedev (BSU)

Publicity Chair
- Erin-Elizabeth A. Durham (GSU)

Workshops Chair
- Ion Mandoiu (UConn)

- Igor Mandric (GSU)