Call for Satellite Meetings at ISMB 2016

ISMB 2016 Special Interest Groups and Satellite Meetings - Call for Proposals!

Proposal Submission Deadline: October 9, 2016

We invite you to submit a proposal to organize a Special Interest Group (SIG) or Satellite Meeting (SM) at ISMB 2016 conference, which will be held at the Swan and Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, United States, July 8 - 12, 2016.

SIG and Satellite Meetings will be held during the two days prior to the main conference: Friday and Saturday, July 8 and July 9. On the first day, SIGs will be held in parallel with the Student Council Symposium; on the second day, with the conference Applied Knowledge Exchange Sessions (AKES).

Proposals should indicate a preference for which days its meeting will be held if submitting a one-day only proposal; the organizers will try to respect these preferences but do not guarantee that all SIGs will receive their preferences.