Workshop and School on CANCER, EVOLUTION and COMPLEXITY, Lake Como, 27 Sept - 1 Oct. 2015
Cancer is a complex disease involving several intertwined phenomena and events, which collude to unleash the tumor cells inherent programs to proliferate, live, and move; thus, it is the malfunction of the biomolecular machinery responsible for the "checks and balances", normally governed by various complex feedback loops among a population of various cell types. Breakdown of this machinery leads to uncontrolled growth of a cell population being selected by evolutionary pressure that ultimately costs the very survival of the host. Understanding the many intricacies of all these interactions at the subcellular, cellular and tissue levels has greatly benefitted from the ever-improving applications of algorithmic, statistical and mathematical modeling tools. 

Moreover, during the past 15 years, new measurement technology for gene expression and, more recently, "deep" genome sequence data, have produced vast amount of data, waiting to be analyzed to deliver new interpretations. 

The design of novel "wet" experiments and appropriately matched algorithmic, statistical and mathematical modeling tools are expected to become the key to successful oncological science and practice. 
The Workshop and School on Cancer Evolution and Complexity seeks to convene researchers from various related disciplines to explore multiple facets of the challenges posed by cancer a "disease of the systems".
The workshop will provide opportunities for the researchers to exchange new ideas and viewpoints, forge new collaborations and train the next generation of young scientists. Participants are encouraged to present their work in two sessions and poster presentations that will be held during the workshop. 

*** Speakers (preliminary list) 
* Gurinder Singh "Mickey" Atwal, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, USA. 
* Gary Bader, The Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto, Canada. 
* Charles Cantor, Agena Biosciences, Sequenom, and Retrotope, USA. 
* Bud Mishra, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU, New York, USA. 
* Victor Moreno, Iconcologia, Barcelona, Spain. 
* Rocco Piazza, Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, Universita` degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy. 
* Alberto Policriti, Istituto di Genomica Applicata and Universita` degli Studi di Udine, Italy. 
* Lloyd Trotman, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, USA. 
* Henk van Ooijen, Philips Research, the Netherlands. 

*** School Directors 
* Marco Antoniotti, BIMIB, Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione, Universita` degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy. 
* Bud Mishra, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU, New York, NY, USA. 

*** Local Organization 
* Giulio Caravagna (BIMIB) 
* Alessandra Cazzaniga (Centro Volta) 
* Alex Graudenzi (BIMIB) 
* Giancarlo Mauri (BIMIB) 
* Daniele Ramazzotti (BIMIB) 

*** Institutions 
* BIMIB, Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione, Universita` degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy ( 
*Centro di Cultura Scientifica "Alessandro Volta", Como, Italy (
* Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Como, Italy (

*** Venue Villa del Grumello ( 

*** Registration Registration fees include participation to the school, social events, coffee breaks and school material. 
Early registration (until July 15th 2015): 320.00 EUR 
Regular registration (on and after July 16th 2015): 400.00 EUR 
Daily, on site registration: 90 EUR All fees include VAT. 

Students and Post-docs of the four Universities supporting the Lake Como Schools (Milano Statale, Pavia, Milano Bicocca e Insubria) qualify for a further fee reduction. 

*** Accommodations The first registrants may ask to be hosted directly at Villa Del Grumello (in a shared accommodation) for an additional cost of 37.0 EUR per night up to capacity (10 places). 
A list of local hotels will be provided. 

*** Web sites