A postdoc position is available in the Chemical Ecology unit, Sustainable Agro-Ecosystems and Bioresources department of the Research and Innovation Centre (CRI). The position is related to the project "Scopazzi" funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento (Accordo di Programma) and the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers in Trentino (APOT) and aimed at providing new insights into the biology and ecology of the insects vectors of apple proliferation for the development of sustainable control strategies. The successful candidate will work on genomics and evolution of two insects (hemipterans C. melanoneura and C. picta) which are the main vectors of the "apple proliferation", phytoplasma causing illness in the apple trees. Successful candidate will apply bioinformatics tools to get new insights in the evolution, biology and ecology of these insect vectors. Please read the position details to understand if you are eligible for the position. In order to apply send your cv and fill the application form. Application and profile are also available at the bottom of the page. Deadline for application: June 22, 2014. More info and the full call at: http://www.fmach.it/Servizi-Generali/Lavora-con-noi/Annunci-lavoro-e-borse-di-studio/Post-Doc-in-Evolutionary-Genomics-of-insect-vectors-of-apple-disease-151_CRI_IVAD-deadline-June-22-2014
Post Doc in "Evolutionary Genomics of insect vectors of apple disease" (151_CRI_IVAD) - deadline June 22, 2014