Two Post-doc fellowships in Next Generation Sequencing and Systems Biology

Job Description: Istituto di Informatica e Telematica

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Pisa - Italy.


We invite  expressions of interest  for  Post-doc  positions in Bio-informatics to be held  at the

Istituto di Informatica e Telematica  of the Consiglio Nazionale delle

Ricerche  (CNR) of Italy in the year 2012. The awarding of the position is via a public call.


The  fellowship will be  funded within LISM (Laboratory for Integrative System Medicine) jointly managed by

Istituto di Informatica e Telematica (IIT)  and Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica (IFC)


A brief sketch of the relevant conditions is as follows.


Level: Post-doc (Assegno di Ricerca)


Duration: 1 year, with possible renewal. We expect funding to be available  for 2 more years.


Commencement: to be decided, within the year 2012.



- Post Doc (Requirements: minimum 3 years of Ph.D. studies, Ph.D. degree  and less than two years of research after obtaining the Ph.D.)

  Entry salary: (gross) 22000 Euro/year (equivalent 1670 Euro/month after tax). Increment of 2000 Euro/year gross for each further year.


- Post Doc Senior (Requirements: minimum 3 years of Ph.D. studies, Ph.D. degree, more than  two years of research after obtaining the Ph.D.,

  good publication record)

  Entry salary: (gross) 26000 Euro/year (equivalent 1973 Euro/month after tax). Increment of 2000 Euro/year gross for each further year.


Deadline for sending the expressions of interests:  none.


General Themes: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science.

Graph Theory. Biological Data Mining.  Design and Analysis of Algorithms.


Specific Themes: Algorithms for Next Generation Sequencing, Systems Biology


Please send by post or email your CV, a letter of intents, and contact data

of your current advisor to:


Marco Pellegrini


Area della Ricerca.

Via Moruzzi 1

56124  Pisa ITALY


tel: (+39) 050 315 2410

fax: (+39) 050 315 2333

e-mail: marco DOT pellegrini AT iit DOT cnr DOT it
