One PhD fellowship and one postdoctoral fellowship are available at
the group of Prof. Ron Shamir, School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv
University. The group specializes in design, analysis and
implementation of algorithms for molecular and systems biology and in
human disease. Much of the work is done in tight collaboration with
leading experimental labs.
We are seeking inventive, independent, and highly motivated
researchers. PhD candidates must have an MSc degree in Computer
Science or Bioinformatics. Postdoc candidates must have a strong
quantitative background, a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics,
Physics or Engineering, and an established publication record. A
strong background in bioinformatics and algorithms is an advantage.
For more details about Shamir's group see
Please email a CV, a list of publications and a one-page summary of
current and past research to
Mrs. Gilit Zohar-Oren,
School of Computer Science,
Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv, 69978 Israel.
Telephone +972 3 6405370
Email: gilit [at] post [dot] tau [dot] ac [dot] il