Internship Position in Dynamics of Immune Responses Lab at San Raffaele Scientific Institute
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan

The student will gain experience in analyzing and interpreting data from the latest single-cell RNA-seq (10x, PARSE) and spatial transcriptomics (Vizgen’s Merscope) technologies. This thesis project involves close collaboration with biologists and immunologists in the lab.

Our lab focuses on understanding the complex dynamics of host-virus and tumor-immune interactions, particularly within the adaptive immune response. We employ cutting-edge methodologies, including intravital microscopy, along with conventional molecular, cellular, and histological approaches. This allows us to investigate host-pathogen and tumor immunology at molecular, single-cell, and whole-organism levels. The bioinformatics core, composed of three team members, handles all
computational data analysis with a strong research focus.

The student will be supervised by our bioinformatics team and ideally has a background in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Physics, Mathematics, Computer
Science, or related fields. Required skills include programming (R or Python and Bash), a strong interest in bioinformatics data analysis, and a broad interest in

Duration: Minimum 6 months, up to a year.
This is an excellent opportunity for professional growth in a stimulating research environment.
Application: CVs should be sent to and
Referents: Pietro Delfino and Matteo Iannacone
Location: DIBIT, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Via Olgettina 58, 20132, Milano
Application Deadline: Until filled
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