Title: One Research fellow in bioinformatic applied to microbiology at University of Milan
Referent: Carlo Federico Perno/Claudia Alteri
The Chair of Microbiology at University of Milan is seeking one candidate with expertise in NGS data analysis, whole genome sequencing analysis data, and in the evolution of microbial genome architecture, and its interplay with hosts. We are looking for someone who understands basic microbiology and evolutionary problems and is able to independently accomplish bioinformatics tasks.
Requirements: The minimum qualification is a degree in Informatics, Physics, Statistics or Mathematics. PhD in related disciplines is a preferential, but not required, title. An ideal candidate will have experience and interest in bioinformatics analysis, bioinformatic pipelines development. Candidates are expected to have knowledge of microbiology, functional genomics and programming in a UNIX/Linux environment, Perl, Python, Ruby. Previous experience with comparative genomics and genomics databases based on NGS data is a desirable asset.
How to apply: Please send by post or email your CV, a letter of intents, and contact data of your current advisor to claudia.alteri@uniroma2.it